Rabu, 06 Juni 2018

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Woodside, Queens - Wikipedia
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Woodside is a residential and commercial neighborhood in the western Queens region of New York City. It is bordered to the south by Maspeth, to the north by Astoria, to the west by Sunnyside, and to the east by Elmhurst and Jackson Heights. Some areas are inhabited and very quiet, while other parts, especially those around Roosevelt Avenue, are more busy. This neighborhood is located on Queens Community Board 1 and Queens Community Board 2.

In the 19th century, the area was part of Newtown City (now Elmhurst). The adjacent Winfield area was mostly incorporated into the post office serving Woodside and as a result Winfield lost many of his different identities from Woodside. However, with large-scale residential developments in the 1860s, Woodside became the largest Latin American community in Queens, to about 80% of Ireland in the 1930s and maintain a strong Irish culture today. In the early 1990s, many Asian-American families moved into the area, with the population being 30% Asian-Americans. South Asians and Latinans have also moved to Woodside in recent years.

Reflecting on its long array of food and drinks, the neighborhood is filled with many cultural restaurants and pubs. It is also home to some of the most popular restaurants in Thailand, Philippines, and South America.

Video Woodside, Queens


Initial years

For two centuries after the arrival of settlers from England and the Netherlands, the territory in which the village of Woodside would be established was sparsely populated. The soil is fertile but also wet. Native Americans call this place a "bad water" and known to the early settlers of Europe as a place of "swamps, mud and soil mud," where "forest swamps" and "big pools" are fed with springs flowing. "Until it was dried in the nineteenth century, one of these wetland forests was called the Wolves of the Wolves after the predators that filled them.This swamp was not the only place where settlers might fear the security of their livestock, and even their own.One of the oldest locations recorded at Woodside called Rattlesnake Spring at the property of Captain Bryan Newton, who was then called Snake Woods and one source stated that "during the colonial period of New York, the area was known as a" paradise of suicide, "as it was mostly swamps filled with snakes and forest filled with wolves. "

Woodside was completed by farmers in the early 18th century. Later, residents learned how to cultivate the land profitable. The swamp grass proves to be good for grazing and grains, fruits, and vegetables can be grown on dry land around it. In the mid-18th century farmers in the area had dried up some swamps and cut some of their forests to expand fertile land and eliminate natural predators. Farm produce found a market in New York City and at the beginning of the 19th century the area became "very conspicuous in the wealth of the peasants and in the beauty of the villas." A late 19th-century historian described one of the nineteenth-century farms in the area as a mixture of wood, cultivated areas, grazing lands, gardens, and pleasure gardens. He believes "it might be hard to find anywhere around New York in a more beautiful area." Other observers currently praise Woodside's "pure atmosphere and pleasant scenery".

In the 19th century, the area was part of Newtown City (now Elmhurst). The adjacent Winfield area was mostly incorporated into the post office serving Woodside and as a result Winfield lost many of his different identities from Woodside.

Some ideas about the rural land of the place to be Woodside can be seen in the description of an ancient center building, a large chestnut tree. The tree was hundreds of years old when it finally descended in the last decade of the 19th century. It stands on high ground near the junction of three dirt roads and "large diameter, about 8 or 10 feet" - maybe 30 feet in circumference. The size and location of its center made it a natural meeting place, a surface that for handling public notice, and a very important strategic point militarily during the Revolutionary War. The 19th century antique character wrote of a great tree while standing during the American Revolution and thus named the family of local landowners:

Around the ancient tree roots there are huts and cavalry stables: with a number of settler huts scattered in the forest... The big party is also constant in the spacious rooms of Moore's old house, during the winter when the snow falls. deeper and ice colder than now-a-days. For stream lights from ball chambers, and lanterns hanging in the trees, usually to assemble gay sleigh parties from Sacket [i.e. Sackett], Morrell, Alsop, Leverich and other homes; for the soldiers have come and come to Newtown to recruit [i.e. refresh and recover] themselves after the annual campaign... Is there a relic more associated with Newtown [i.e. town where Woodside village will be found] than the old chestnut tree?... [Is not it for two centuries Newtown's "Legal Notices" center, for all sales, real estate transfers, city meetings, lost "creeturs" and escaped slaves?

Woodside was first developed on a large scale beginning in 1867 by the builder of speculative housing environment Benjamin W. Hitchcock, who also founded Corona and Ozone Park, and John Andrew Kelly. The neighborhood's location about three miles from Hunter's Point on the Long Island Rail Road line makes it an ideal location for the new suburban community. In 1874, the New York Times described Woodside:

At Woodside there are now 100 houses set up, mainly from villa-cottage orders, and thirty buggies daily stop at the station, making it, through Hunter Point and James Slip Ferry, less than forty-five minutes from the bottom of the city. Woodside is located on a sloping ground, has good elevation, and is pleasant, although it does not have a very wide view. There are lots of nice fruit trees around...


By the mid-19th century, improved drainage and agricultural techniques had increased the proportion of Woodside's fertile land to about two-thirds of the total. Flowers and dairy products are added to the fruits and vegetables that the farmers bring to the urban market. The landowners also benefit from increased transport. The construction of medieval mid-sized road from Newtown to Williamsburg and newer from Newtown to Hunters Point makes access to East River ferries quicker and easier. In 1860, a company led by locals, John C. Jackson, built a rocky toll road between Flushing and the ferry at Hunters Point. The Plank Road vanished during a construction project in the 19th century, but the North Boulevard Line is very similar to the Jackson Avenue route.

Residential dwelling

Improvements in transportation that initially benefited agriculture ultimately resulted in its decline. Due to being faster and more comfortable for residents to travel from their homes to other parts of Queens, to Brooklyn, and to Manhattan, the area becomes visible as both desirable and affordable for housing development for city dwellers and increased value of land that attracts livestock owners for sale. John Sackett came from a family of religious dissidents who had settled in Queens at the end of the 17th century. In 1802 he inherited a 115-hectare farmland including much of what is now Woodside and in 1826 his heirs sold many properties to John A. Kelly, son of a German immigrant, and his brother-in-law (also of German descent), Catherine B. (Friedle) Buddy. Like other wealthy merchants that have done in other areas of Queens, Kelly and Buddy buy farm properties to use as rural land where they plan to stay in the warmer months of the year. Not long afterwards, a Kelly friend, William Schroeder, bought another plot of Sackett's property for the same purpose. Like Kelly, he comes from a family emigrating from Germany and, like Kelly, he has achieved wealth as a merchant in Charleston, South Carolina. However, unlike Kelly, he did not move to the North, but retained the land for use during the summer holidays.

After Kelly and Schroeder moved in, two other German extreme men were doing their own countryside retreat at Woodside. They are Gustav Sussdorf and Louis Windmuller. Like Kelly and Schroeder, Sussdorf is a Charleston merchant. In 1859 he sold his luxury business and moved to New York. Not long after, he bought a farm belonging to the dead Thomas Cumberson family in 1849. It is likely that he knew the place through acquaintances with Schroeder or, more likely, Kelly. Windmuller is the younger generation of Kelly, Schroeder, and Sussdorf. He emigrated to New York after the Revolution of 1848. Only 18 years and had no money, he found success as a commission agent, bringing goods to clients in the US from Germany and other European countries. By 1867 he had collected enough savings to buy a property adjacent to Sussdorf. The land used to belong to the Morrell family, but has been bought by a speculator, Antonie J.D. Mecke, and became available to Windmuller in Mecke going bankrupt.

Housing development

Because agricultural land gives way to countries, the countries will, in turn, give way to housing construction, as in the decades after 1850, the land was broken into smallholdings for the construction of single-family homes. As before, this new shift is largely due to an increase in transport resources. In 1854, the first steam-powered passenger rail service came to the area. That year, a Flushing Rail Road passenger depot from Long Island City to Flushing was opened for operations near the southern border that would become the village of Woodside. The line gave access to New York City through the Point Ferry Hunters and to Brooklyn through a horse-drawn omnibus. In 1861, the second line opened directly through what would soon become the village of Woodside. This is a segment of Long Island Rail Road operated between Hunters Point and Jamaica, replacing the previous segment that passes through Brooklyn to the ferry dock in Williamsburg. In 1869, another lane, Flushing and the North Side Railroad, crossed the same road through Woodside. And soon after, in 1874, spurting briefly, Flushing and Woodside Rail Road opened their stations in the village.

The construction of this rail service leads directly to the distribution of property near the railway station into a small field for the construction of homes for working class families. The area that will become Woodside is not the first community to grow from Queens farmland. Before the late 1850s Woodhaven, Astoria, Maspeth, Corona, Hunters Point, and Winfield all attracted land speculators. However, the Woodside developers were the first to divide the property into much for the construction of a small house for working class families. Thus they are the first to use a series of new sales techniques to lure buyers. And they are the first to apply the name to a location that emphasizes real or perceived virtue. A 19th-century writer says "Woodside" is the proper name for the community created by these land speculators. He argues that other people, who were created later, are "meaningless, historic or otherwise, and of a kind that seems to be chosen by boarding school girls to roll over romantically from the tongue." These include Ozone Park, Corona, Winfield, Glendale, Laurel Hill, Elmhurst, and Linden Hill.

The real estate promoters who created Woodside came mostly from Germany. Kelly's family members were the first, followed by Alpheus P. Riker, Henry G. Schmidt, John A. Mecke, and Emil Cuntz. Kelly's family develops the property where they live while others buy special land to divide it into many buildings. Riker came from a German family who had settled in Queens when it was still part of the New Netherlands.

Benjamin W. Hitchcock

Kelly's family is associated with A. P. Riker for marriage. Riker, a customs officer, is John A. Kelly's son-in-law. Kelly's family members are publishers and it is probably no coincidence that Kelly's contract agent for the development of Woodside farmland is a publisher of sheet music, magazines, and a "subscription book" called Benjamin W. Hitchcock. Hitchcock has a knack for publicity and innovative sales techniques. After the area was surveyed and 972 plots were arranged, he arranged trips from the city, hired brass bands to play, and gave free lunch prospects. The first sales event took place on 18 February 1869. Hitchcock was priced at $ 300 lot. Employing innovative sales techniques, he sold it with an installment plan. The buyers make advance payments and owe $ 10 per month until the money is paid off. He takes a 25% commission on every sale. To attract buyers, he sells lottery tickets with the first option on selected lots as a gift set. Other prizes include the option to purchase one of five homes already built on the property. Maybe he or maybe Kelly gave the name "Woodside" to the area. A Kelly Family member, John A. F. Kelly, has used it occasionally pieces he wrote for local newspapers during the 1850s and 1860s. In 1899 one of the original buyers told a reporter than he bought a lot with a small house on it, just 20 'wide 16' deep. It cost $ 480 and he paid $ 125 down and $ 10 per month until he paid off the note.

Hitchcock has an instinct for a spectacle similar to P.T. Barnum's. After his success with Woodside, he performed similar real estate promotions in other parts of Queens including the village he called Corona and Ozone Park. As the economy deteriorated and the business declined, he ran a theater, engaged in machine politics, and sponsored several beauty contests including one, the "Congress of Beauty and Culture", which was criticized for the lies and deceit of his participants..

While other large landowners from Woodside use agents to develop their holdings, A. P. Riker set up a real estate office in the village center where he manages his own property and handles real estate transactions for others. He was also a partner in local business: a grocery store in 1876 and, in 1878, a fruit and vegetable canning business that employs 100 workers.

The developers who follow Hitchcock's trail at Woodside are less flamboyant despite being as successful. In 1863, John Mecke bought farmland from a family, the Moorish family, who had lived over a century and a half in what would be the northern part of what would become Woodside. He intended to divide again, but became bankrupt and, in 1867, died. His heirs sold the property to two carpenters, Henry G. Schmidt and Emil Cuntz, who, in 1871, surrendered their property to an organization known as the Bricklayers Cooperative Building Association. This organization does not seem to match its name because it is a New York company headed by Charles Merweg who gives his job as a "speculator in real estate." However, the Association established a housing estate in the north of Woodside called Charlotteville. The name was then given a more general spelling from Charlottesville. In 1886, another speculator, Effingham H. Nichols, divided the property in the eastern part of the village and called it Woodside Heights. Other nineteenth-century developers include Charles F. Ehrhardt who sells a lot of goods in the north of the village and the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company that turns two properties on the west side into many that can be sold.

These and other real estate developers profit from their lot sales for home buyers, but the growth of the Woodside housing market is not nearly as smooth as the upward trajectory and, about 40 years after the first Hitchcock lottery, the village is far from fully saturated with the house. The very detailed property atlas of 1909 shows buildings in less than half of the many villages surveyed. In fact, although affordable by time standards, the small, small Woodside family house on their small land is too expensive for the growing number of workers who crowd the Manhattan and Manhattan tenement apartments nearby. In the years prior to Panic of 1907 and again after closing, the breadwinners in many of these low-income families, who have been able to upgrade their skills and earn higher-paying jobs, are beginning to push for better housing development. from tenements but still in their way. Although real estate developers previously thought Woodside was too remote and rural for the marketing of low-cost rental units, some of the changing circumstances convinced them to meet this need by building apartment buildings with higher density in the village.

Other factors

Chief among these circumstances is a continued improvement on the public transport network. The network continued to grow and Woodside evolved as a railway hub (Long Island Rail Road mainline run by electricity in 1908), rapidly increasing freight (combined IRT/BRT Corona and Woodside Line, 1917), and electric trolleys (Newtown Railway Company ), 1895, and New York and Queens County Line, 1896). With the incorporation of Queens into New York City in 1898 and the passage of a law mandating a five-per-city transit rate in 1904, the Woodside residents had an abundant and inexpensive option for fast public transport. In fact, the real cost of the five-cent rate dropped dramatically during the inflation years of World War I and 1920s, and remained in place, despite further inflation, until 1948. Construction of bridges and tunnel connections to Manhattan - Queensboro Bridge in the year 1909 and Steinway Tunnel in 1915 - allowing workers from immigrant families who live in tenements to rent a garden apartment in Woodside while having work downtown. The trip was cheap and short, and during the peak hours, a five-cent journey only took eight minutes to Times Square. Although the other Queens region benefits from an inexpensive transit expansion, Woodside was once the only village in Queens with a train station and a fast transit station next to the train line.

The second condition that helps the influx of low-income people moving upward is the dramatic increase in local job prospects. Although cheap, quick, and convenient transit allows Queens workers to have other jobs, job opportunities outside of borough become a more realistic option. The territorial waters of Queens have long had large industries and businesses that benefit from access to water-borne transportation. These commercial firms doubled as rail transport became available and, in a virtuous growth cycle, as more prospective employees moved into the region. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the inhabitants of Woodside could find employment east in Brooklyn, northward at College Point, and, in particular, to the west. Hunters Point, Sunnyside, and other West Queens communities have foundry plants, railway stations, chemical jobs, and many factories, including the famous Steinway Piano factory. When, in 1870, these communities molded themselves into the opportunities of Long Island City for rapidly growing work, so much so that by the turn of the 20th century, the city could boast that it had the highest industry concentration in the entire United States. There's a job inside Woodside too. The village has long had the largest cemetery in town, Calvary, as a stimulus for local businesses. It also has a brewery, a large florist, and many local retail companies. In 1875, the Bulova Control Company established its headquarters there (there to this day).

Along with good transportation and access to jobs, Woodside has many local facilities. It's a charming place with lots of open space, lots of trees and wooded areas, healthy air, and a whole fun atmosphere; one news article in 1926 described this as "sylvan beauty", as happened in other villages, the creation of Borough of Queens in 1898 brought improvements in local governance and increased spending on police, roads, schools and public spaces, to Woodside. However, Woodside has provided previous fire, sewer and streetlight protection, and its transit facilities provide access to a variety of retail options. One newspaper article published in 1926 was chosen his school, P.S.11, as "one of Queens's leading public schools." & Gt;

As in the nearest community at the time, religious obedience played an important role in the lives of the Woodside residents, and their churches both reflected this importance and signaled welcome to prospective newcomers. His first church, the Episcopal Protestant St. Paul, shows the dominant faith of the oldest and most prominent inhabitants of the area. Founded in 1874 by a family of landowners who have farmed there from its earliest settlements and by German families who have inherited possessions that have moved during the mid-19th century, including Rapelye, Hicks, and Rikers already long life. family and family of Sussdorf, Windmuller, and Kelly just arrived. Two years later, a resident of a small homeowner who founded a new Baptist church. Saint Paul originally had a small congregation of only 50 people, doubling in 1900; Baptist churches are almost identical. St. Sebastian, the first Roman Catholic church in Woodside, served a much larger population on the foundation of 1896. That year, families of working-class populations, especially of German descent, convinced the bishop of the Brooklyn Diocese that they should not travel to other villages to attend Mass. The number of church members, initially 300, quickly grew and was reported to be 1,000 in 1902.

In addition to other benefits, potential home buyers are attracted by Woodside's entertainment venues. One of the first businesses is a brewery, which has long-standing rooms where men can gather and drink. In the second half of the 19th century it became famous for its beer garden and ballroom. An early resident, Julius Adams, bought a small house in one of the little Hitchcock places. At first he made a living as a shoemaker, and, succeeding in the business, expanded to others. In 1881 he built Sanger Hall - a German-style beer hall, dance hall, and show room for his singing community and German theatrical entertainment - and as the Hall progressed, he added a dining room and even a bowling alley. In 1889, other residents built Heimann's Hall, a beer garden, dancing pavilion, and dining room. At the beginning of the 20th century, a cinema joined the option for local leisure activities.

20th century

As the 19th century gave way until the 20th, Woodside's abundant profits convinced real estate developers to invest substantially in high-residential housing and duplex homes to complement single-family units that dominated the area. Three representative examples are Woodside Apartments built in 1913, the 1922 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company project, and Woodside Development Corporation projects in 1923. Located near rail and fast transit stations, Woodside Apartments is a four-story row, semi- separate. There are four apartments on the floor, most of them have four rooms. The lease initially ranges from $ 18 to $ 20 per month. Located close to the train, but on the other side of the village, the Metropolitan Life apartment project is more ambitious. Consisting of ten five-story buildings, the project has space for four hundred families. The Woodside Development Corporation built a four-storey apartment with shops on the ground floor and second two houses and one family in two large plots of land near the village center. When a city air survey was taken in 1924, Woodside proved to have multiple apartment buildings and multiplex duplexes along with many small single family homes.

During the 1930s and into the postwar era, the construction of Woodside housing continued to grow, albeit slower than in the boom years after World War I. Many empty ones continue to be filled with houses of one and two families, compact apartment buildings continues. should be built, and larger, elevated-style elevators are prepared. In 1936, a large unfinished treaty was built for the construction of a garden apartment when a portion of the 10-acre Windmuller Estate was sold to the developers.

The community profile, published in 1943, characterizes Woodside (with Winfield, his neighbor to the south) as "the district of small houses and middle income." The area still has some very small apartment buildings and industries. Despite rapid population growth in the 1920s falling in the 1930s, profile writers are expected to increase transit (IND Queens Boulevard Line opened in 1933) and new shopping centers to attract large numbers of new residents. The number of single-family homes is given as 2,159, double family homes as 1,711, and larger residential buildings as 868.

In 1949, construction was completed in Wooden Houses, a public housing complex built and operated by the New York City Housing Authority. The complex consists of 20 six-story buildings with 1,358 apartments. Located west of Woodside, bordering Astoria, between 49th and 51st Streets, 31st Avenue and Newton Road.

Twenty-first century

At the turn of the 21st century, Woodside is finally seen being built. Nevertheless, the environment continues to be seen as an exciting place to live - marked by "wide avenues, lush streets and mixed private homes, small apartment buildings and occasional towering cooperatives." The population was about 1,800 in 1880, 3,900 in 1900, 15,000 in 1920, and 41,000 in 1930. In 1963 the number had reached about 55,600 and became 90,000 in 2000. In 2008 the chairman of the local Community Council said that the buildings Large apartments are replacing smaller ones and single family homes converted into multifamily rental properties. At the same time, real estate brokers told reporters that interest remains strong among families looking for affordable housing near Manhattan.

As in other parts of New York City, the change of centuries-old hustle and bustle has not completely erased old relics. Inside Woodside, a double-storey station on Long Island Rail Road (built in 1869) and IRT Flushing Line (built in 1917) are both fixed, and renovated in 1999. The trolley halls on Northern Boulevard and 51st Street have been preserved. as Tower Square Shopping Center. The New York and Queens Railroad Company built a warehouse in 1896. A transportation hub like the LIRR/IRT station, it is Queens's largest car warehouse. Woodside also has an ancient tree, not a large chestnut (which was lost in the late 19th century) but a large copper beech somewhere between the ages of 150 and 300 years. Documents in Queens's Community History archive show that it was probably planted during the Revolutionary War. Among Woodside's oldest historic landmarks is his funeral. Calvary Cemetery was founded in 1845 by the managers of St. Patrick in Manhattan for Roman Catholic burial and then expanded by the addition of three parts composed of New Calvary. Calvary and Calvary New which combined 300 hectares (120 ha) contains more than three million burials. Located on 54th Street between 31 & amp; Road to 32, Moore-Jackson Cemetery is much older and smaller than Calvary. Founded in 1733, it is one of New York's oldest graves. Only fifteen graves are still visible, the earliest dated 1769.

Although some have been documented, some of Woodside's old buildings are still in place. Among those whose information is available, Woodside's first church, the Protestant Episcopal St. Paul, keep a place of pride. It was damaged by fire in 2007 but still stands in its original location. An article published on the Forgotten NY weblog in 2005 included this and other interesting structures of the 19th century Woodside that have survived. All located close to the city center. They include Hook and Ladder Company (1884), home of Otto Groeber and his family (1870), Woodside Pavilion (1877), and Meyer's Hotel (1882). Another article on this blog shows the structure of the beginning of the 20th century that still stands.

Maps Woodside, Queens

Demography and culture


Based on data from the US Census 2010, the Woodside population is 45,099, an increase of 1,253 (2.9%) from 43,846 counted in 2000. Covering an area of ​​649.22 acres (262.73 ha), the neighborhood has a population density of 69.5 soul per acre (44.500/sqÃ, mi; 17,200/km 2 ).

Racial makeup is 22.5% (10,140) White, 1.3% (592) African American, 0.2% (76) Native American, 39.9% (17.990) Asian, 0.0% (5) Pacific Islands, 0.5% (221) of other races, and 2.2% (975) of two or more races. Hispanic or Latin of any race is 33.5% (15,100) of the population.

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The character of Woodside residents, in terms of national origin, has changed radically over time. The first inhabitants were Native Americans, probably from Mespeatches, who gave their name to the city of Maspeth. The first European landowners were mostly Dutch and British and their workers were mainly English, African (slave), and American Indian. During the nineteenth century, Germany largely took over from this first settler. In addition to the already mentioned German landowners (the Kelly family - originally named KÃÆ'¶lle - Riker, Schroeder, Schmidt, Sussdorf, and Windmuller), the first buyers of the small plot of Hitchcock mostly came from Germany. They include men with names like Eberhardt, Groeber, and Schlepergrel. Beginning at the close of the 19th century and through most of the 20, more and more Irish citizens arrived and Woodside eventually became quite Irish to earn the nickname "Irishtown."

The main turning point in the transition from Germany to Ireland occurred in 1901 when the Great Irish Athletic Association of New York officially opened a large athletic compound named Celtic Park on the border between Woodside and Laurel Hill, a neighbor to the south. The second turning point is the death of Louis Windmuller, the last of the German real estate owners. Famous in both local and city and national affairs, he is called the "grandparent" or "patriarch" of Woodside. Although the land had not disappeared from the hands of his heirs until the closure of the Depression and the beginnings of World War II, his death still helped mark Woodside's transition from the village village to the suburban bedroom community. With the construction of large-scale housing in the 1860s, Woodside became the largest Latin American community in Queens. In the early 1930s, the area was about 80% Irish. The subsequent entry of Ireland occurred during the 1980s and entered the early 1990s when many Irish people immigrated to New York because of the poor economic conditions in Ireland. Many of these "new Irish" settled in Woodside, where men found jobs as construction workers or bartenders while women worked as servants, nannies or householders.

Towards the end of the 20th century, Irish dominance gradually yielded another mix of nationalities, but even as the environment has seen growth in ethnic diversity today, the area still maintains a strong Irish Irish presence, and there continue to be a number of Pubs and Irish restaurants scattered across Woodside. After World War II, baby-boomers born in the area mainly came from Irish, Italian and Jewish descent. Gradually, Dominicans and other nationalities began to emerge in society, beginning in the late 1960s. The diversity trend began then, and has continued since then. This diversity has been expressed by many observers and can be demonstrated in places of worship of citizens. For example, the Winfield Reform Church began in 1880 as the Dutch Calvinist church and in 1969 became the first Taiwan congregation in America. Other Woodside places of worship now include Hindus, Thai Buddhists, Orthodox Romanians, Filipinos, Koreans, Chinese and Bahrain. Woodside has a strong Muslim community and is home to a large and multipurpose organization, the New York Islamic Institute. Among St Sebastian Mass-goers, a pastor reported that about 45% are Hispanics (mainly from Colombia and Mexico), 25% Ireland, 25% Philippines and 5% Korea. In 1999, the Woods people came from 49 countries and spoke in 34 different languages.

In the early 1990s, many Asian-American families moved into the area, mainly east of the 61-Street Woodway subway station. In 2000, the Woodside population was 30% Asian Americans. Woodside has a large population of Thai-Americans, Korean-Americans, Chinese-Americans, and Filipino-Americans (see Koreatown, Chinatown, and Little Manila), each with their own ethnicity. There are also South American Americans, mainly Indian Americans, Bangladeshi Americans, Nepali Americans, and Pakistani Americans, and large Dominican and Latino residents. Reflecting on its long array of food and drinks, the neighborhood is filled with many cultural restaurants and pubs. It is also home to some of the most popular restaurants in Thailand, Philippines, Colombia, and Ecuador. Woodside diversity is suitable for a number of festivals and street fairs. It commemorates Saint Patrick's Day with a parade before the famous celebrations in Manhattan. Woodside also hosts several events in the summer, including the Independence Day street fair.

Little Manila

A "Little Manila" stretches from the 63rd-71st Streets on Roosevelt Avenue, where many Filipino-owned businesses flock to the large Filipino American Woodside community; This environment is known for the concentration of Filipinos. Of the 85,000 Woodside residents, about 13,000, or 15% of the Woodside population, are Filipino backgrounds. The Philippine restaurants dominate the area, as well as some shipping and delivery centers scattered throughout the neighborhood. Other Filipino businesses include professional services (medical, dental, optical), driving schools, beauty salons, immigration services, and video rental venues that provide the latest Filipino movies, dot the community. This area attracts many Filipinos and non-Filipinos locally and from neighboring places on Long Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

In February 2008, Bayanihan Filipino Community Center opened its doors at Woodside, a project pioneered by the Philippine Forum. The Philippines Forum also hosts the annual Bayanihan Culture Festival at Hart Playground in September in order to commemorate the Philippine American History Month.

St. Patrick's Day Parade

Woodside hosted the Saint Patrick Day parade in New York City that invited members of Ireland's LGBT community of New York City to line up; this is called St. Pat's For All Parade.

The parade has attracted politicians such as former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg; Jason West, mayor of New Paltz, New York; state congressman Joseph Crowley, representing the district; and former US Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Structure and company ==

This neighborhood has several schools:

  • PS 11
  • PS 12
  • PS 151
  • PS 152
  • PS 229
  • PS 361
  • IS 125
  • Corpus Christi Elementary School
  • Saint Sebastian Elementary School
  • Razi School
  • City Charter School Academy

The parks in the area include Doughboy Park, Windmueller Park, Big Bush Park, and Laurel Hill Park.

Reformed Winfield Church is located in Woodside.

Bulova Corporation has its headquarters in North Woodside along Interstate 278.

Woodside Queens Saint Patrick's Day for All (2013) - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


Woodside is accessible from all over the city via the New York City Subway. The Flushing IRT line ( 7 and & lt; 7 & gt; trains) from New York City Subway has stations in 52 (local), 61st (express) and 69th Streets local) on Roosevelt Avenue; local services IND Queens Boulevard Line (train E , M , and R ) stop at North Boulevard and 65th Street along Broadway.

Woodside Station from LIRR is connected to the 61st Street subway station. Bus Q18, Q32, Q39, Q47, Q53 SBS, Q60, Q70 SBS connect Woodside to the whole of Queens; Q32 and Q60 run to Manhattan, and Q70 SBS goes to LaGuardia Airport via Roosevelt Avenue/74th Street.

The Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (I-278) is the main highway passing through the area, serving Woodside through exit 39 through 43, such as Long Island Expressway (I-495) through exit 18. Northern Boulevard (NYA, 25A) Boulevard (NYA, 25) also passes Woodside.

NYC ♥ NYC: 7 Train (International Express) To Woodside, Queens
src: 4.bp.blogspot.com

Famous Citizens

Notable current or former residents include:

  • Edward Burns (born 1968), actor
  • James Caan (born 1940), actor, attends P.S. 150
  • Francis Ford Coppola (born 1939), film director, screenwriter, producer
  • Morton Feldman (1926-1987), composer of the 20th century
  • Joel Klein (born 1946), former New York City School Chancellor, lives in Woodside Houses housing project
  • Chris Gethard (born 1980), writer, comedian, and show star Comedy Central Big Lake .
  • Evelyn Fox Keller (born 1936), physicist, writer and feminist, who is Professor Emerita History and Philosophy of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Harry Marmion (1931-2008), served as president of St. John's. Xavier University and Southampton College of Long Island University, and was president of the United States Tennis Association (USTA) during the construction and opening of Arthur Ashe Stadium.
  • Frank McCourt (1930-2009), author of the Pulitzer Prize winner
  • Kevin McShane, manager of singer-songwriter Elliott Murphy in the 1970s and literary agent at the Fifi Oscard Agency.
  • Edmar Mednis (1937-2002), Grandmaster International chess
  • Jack Mercer (1910-1984), voice actor, animator and writer, best known for the sound of cartoon characters Popeye the Sailor and Felix the Cat.
  • Tony O'Neill (born 1978), author of
  • Thomas J. Pickard (born 1950), acting as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for 71 days in the summer of 2001 after the term of Director of Louis Freeh.
  • Charlotte E. Ray, (1850-1911), the first American black woman lawyer in the United States.
  • Lynn Samuels (1942-2011), radio carrier
  • Joe Spinell (1936-1989), actor

NYC ♥ NYC: Roosevelt Avenue in Woodside, Queens
src: 4.bp.blogspot.com





16 Must-Visit Places in Woodside, Queens: An Untapped Cities Guide ...
src: untappedcities-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com

External links

  • The Greater Astoria History Society
  • Woodside Part 1 and Part 2 on the Forgotten NY website
  • Brooklyn Genealogy: Queens
  • Woodside Post on the Secondat weblog


  • Deniz Blogs, photoblogs that often include Woodside images
  • Digital Gallery from New York Public Library
  • Woodside, Queens: Flickr photo group

Source of the article : Wikipedia
