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Historic Hotel Charleston - Hotel History | The Vendue
src: www.thevendue.com

The history of Charleston, South Carolina, is one of the longest and most diverse of every community in the United States, spanning hundreds of years of physical settlement beginning in 1670 through modern times. Charleston was the leading city in the South from the colonial era to the Civil War. The city grows rich through rice exports and, later, sea cotton islands and it is the base for many wealthy merchants and landowners.

The destruction of the Civil War and the destruction of inland Charleston lost its regional dominance. However, it remains the economic center of South Carolina, while in politics the northern politicians routinely attack the tone of aristocratic and undemocratic. Beginning during World War II, Charleston became the main naval base. In recent decades, the tourism and service industries have led the economy to a new level of prosperity.

Video History of Charleston

Colonial period: 1663-1779

Establishment and initial growth

Restored to the throne after Oliver Cromwell's Protectorate, King Charles II granted the Carolina territory charters to eight of his loyal friends, known as Lords Proprietors, in 1663. It took seven years before the Lords could arrange a settlement, the first being "Charles Town," the name original for the city. The community was founded in 1670 by British colonists from Bermuda, under South Carolina's first Governor, William Sayle, on the west bank of the Ashley River a few miles northwest of the city. Immediately appointed by Anthony Ashley Cooper, the leader of the Lords Proprietor, to become the "great port city", a city-filled destiny. By 1681, settlements had grown, joining settlers from England, Barbados, and Virginia; and moved to the current location of the peninsula. As the capital of the Carolina colony, Charles Town was the base for colonial expansion and was the southernmost point of British settlement during the late 17th century.

The settlement is often the target of attacks from the sea and from the ground. Countries like Spain and France are still contested British claims to the region launched a periodic attack along with the combined resistance of Native Americans and pirate attacks. An example of an attack was a 1706 expedition failed during the Queen Anne War. The Charleston colonist built a castle wall around a small settlement to help his defense. The two remaining buildings of Walled City: the Powder Magazine, where the municipal supplies of powder are stored, and the Pink House, which is believed to be an old colonial store.

A 1680 plan for a new settlement, Grand Modell, lays down "the right regular city model," and a future for a growing community. The land around the intersection of the Meeting and the Great Streets is set aside for the Civic Field. Over time, it became known as Four Corners of the Law , referring to various government and religious law weapons that head up the growing squares and towns.

In late May 1718, Charles Town was besieged by Edward Teach, commonly known as "Blackbeard", for nearly a week. His pirates looted merchant ships and confiscated passengers and crew of Crowley while requesting a coffin from Governor Robert Johnson. Got it, they released their almost naked hostages and sailed to the coast to North Carolina. Blackbeard wreck, Anne Anne's Revenge has been found and found including urethral syringes (used to treat syphilis), clyster pumps (used to provide enemas), porringers (possibly for bloodshed), and brass mortar and alu to prepare medicine.

St. Episcopal Church Phillips, Charleston's oldest and most famous church, was built in the southeast corner in 1752. The following year, the colony's capital was set up across the square. Because of its prominent position within the city and its elegant architecture, it beckoned to the citizens of Charleston and its important visitors in the British colony. The provincial court meets on the ground floor while the House of Representatives and Chamber of Governors' Chamber meet on the second floor.

By 1750 Charleston had become a bustling commercial center, the Atlantic trade center for the southern colony, and the richest and largest city south of Philadelphia. In 1770, it was the fourth largest port in the colonies, after only Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, with a population of 11,000, a little over half of the slaves. Cotton, rice and tilapia were successfully cultivated by Gullah's survivors from Middle Passage as an enslaved farmer. They were captured from the Congolese-Angola border and the rice-producing regions of West Africa, such as "Paddy Rice", "Coastal Wind," "Gambia," and "Sierra-Leon", and were forced to work around it. coastal low country. The colonies of South Carolina and Georgia eventually adopted a rice-growing system that relied heavily on the pattern of labor and technical knowledge of their African slaves. Cotton, rice, indigo and marine stores are exported in the highly profitable shipping industry. It is the cultural and economic center of the South. Over time, they developed the language of Gullah and a thick culture, retaining many elements of West Africa.

In 1761, a large tornado emptied the Ashley River and drowned five warships located offshore.

Ethnic and religious diversity

While the earliest settlers came mainly from England, colonial Charleston was also home to a mixture of ethnic and religious groups. In colonial times, Boston, Massachusetts, and Charleston were twin cities, and people spent the summer in Boston and winter in Charleston. There is a lot of trade with Bermuda and the Caribbean, and some people come to live in Charleston from these areas. France, Scotland-Ireland, Scotland, Ireland, and Germany migrated to a thriving coastal city, representing many Protestant denominations, as well as Roman Catholicism and Judaism. Sephardic Jews migrated to the city in such numbers that Charleston was finally home to, in the early 19th century and up until about 1830, the largest and wealthiest Jewish community in North America Coming Street Jewish Cemetery, first established in 1762, proving the old presence they are in the community. First Anglican Church, St. Episcopal Church Philipus, was built in 1682, although it was later destroyed by fire and moved to its present location. Slaves also comprise the majority of the population, and are active in the city's religious community. The Charlestonians and white-skinned slaves helped found the Methodist Church of Old Testament in 1797, and the trial of Emanuel A.M.E. The Church comes from a group of religions fully organized by African Americans, free and slaves, in 1791. This is A.M.E. oldest church in the south, and the second oldest A.M.E. church in this country. The first American museum opened to the public on January 12, 1773 in Charleston. From the mid-18th century a great deal of immigration took place in the interior of Carolina, some of which came from abroad through Charleston but also most of the southward movement from Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, until populations in the state were larger than coastal populations. People abroad are seen by the Charleston people as not being rude in many ways, and having different interests, setting the stage for several generations of conflict between upcountry and the Charleston elite.


As Charleston grew, so did the cultural and social opportunities of society, especially for elite traders and planters. The first theater building in America was built in Charleston in 1736, but was later replaced by a 19th-century Planter Hotel where wealthy planters lived during the Charleston racetrack (now the Dock Street Theater, known as one of the oldest active theaters built for performance stage in the United States). The benevolent community was formed by several distinct ethnic groups: The Community of South Carolina, founded by the French Huguenot in 1737; The German Friendly Society, founded in 1766; and Hibernian Society, founded by Irish immigrants in 1801. The Charleston Library Society was founded in 1748 by some wealthy Charlestonians who wanted to keep up with the scientific and philosophical issues of the day. The group also helped found the College of Charleston in 1770, the oldest college in South Carolina, the oldest city college in the United States, and the 13th oldest college in the United States.


During the early seventeenth century, it was difficult to get the enslaved Africans in the north of the Caribbean. To meet the needs of the workforce, the European colonists have practiced Indian slavery for some time.

The Carolinians changed the slave trade of India in the late 17th and early 18th centuries by treating slaves as a trading commodity to be exported, especially to the West Indies. Alan Gallay estimates that between 1670 and 1715, between 24,000 and 51,000 Native Americans were captured and sold, from South Carolina - more than the number of African slaves imported to the future colonies of the United States during the same period.

The main formation of African slavery in the North American colonies occurred with the founding of Charles Town and South Carolina, beginning in 1670. The colony was inhabited mainly by planters from the overpopulated sugar island colony in Barbados, carrying relatively large numbers of African slaves. from the island.

Maps History of Charleston

American Revolution: 1776-1783

As the relationship between the colonists and the British deteriorated, Charleston became a focal point in the next American Revolution. In protest against the Tea Act of 1773, which embodies the concept of taxation without representation, Charlestonian confiscated tea and kept it in the Stock and Custom House. Representatives from all colonies came to the Exchange in 1774 to elect delegates to the Continental Congress, the group responsible for drafting the Declaration of Independence; and South Carolina declared its independence from the crown on the steps of the Exchange. Soon, church towers in Charleston, especially St. Michael, was targeted for a British warship that caused rebel forces to paint black towers to blend into the night sky.

That's three times the target of the British attack. At each stage, the British strategy took on a large base of Loyalist supporters who would garner support for the King with military support, but the loyalty of the white south was largely abrogated by British legal cases (such as the Somerset 1772 case) and military tactics. (such as the Dunmore Proclamation in 1775) that threatened the emancipation of planter slaves. However, the same practice did win the loyalties of thousands of Black Loyalists.

On June 28, 1776, General Henry Clinton, with 2,000 men and a naval squadron, attempted to seize Charleston, expecting a Loyalist rebellion simultaneously in South Carolina. It appears to be an inexpensive way to wage war, but fails when the naval force is defeated by the Continental Army, in particular, the 2nd South Carolina Regiment at Fort Moultrie under the command of William Moultrie. When the fleet fired a cannon, the shot failed to penetrate the unfinished, but thick, wall of the palm logs. In addition, none of the local Loyalists attacked the city from the back as British had expected. The Loyalists were too badly organized to do, but until the end of 1780, senior officials in London, who were misled by the Loyalist exiles, placed their confidence in their resurrection.

The Battle of Sullivan Island sees 9 ships and 2,000 troops under Admiral Peter Parker and General Henry Clinton failing to capture a palm palace that was partly built of several hundred men who composed Colonel William Moultrie's militia regiment during a one-day battle in June. 28, 1776. Moultrie was forced to ignore orders to resign from his general, Charles Lee, under orders from his president John Rutledge. In the end, the defense of palmetto-and-sand sponges completely neutralized the British naval bombardment and gave the Royal Navy its first defeat in a century. The Liberty flag used by the Moultrie people forms the basis of the South Carolina flag and the anniversary of victory continues to be celebrated as Carolina Day.

Following the capture of Savannah in the closing days of 1778, troops under Brig. General Augustine Prévale opposed Augusta's control with the army under Major General Benjamin Lincoln. In April 1779, Prà © vost instead sent 2,500 people to South Carolina, forcing the Moultrie militia to fall back to Charlestown. His men saw no resistance until they reached within 10 miles (16 km) of the city and started investing it, but the intercepted message warned Prà © vost that Lincoln had been informed of the attack and returned from Augusta. Prà © mon started a regular withdrawal and the main involvement of the affair was his successful defensive rearguard over the crossing at Stono Creek on June 20th. The main effect of the expedition was the indiscriminate raiding antagonism triggered by allies and enemies. That same year, the French frigate Amazone captured the post ship Ariel from Charlestown on September 11th.

Clinton returned in 1780 with 14,000 soldiers. American General Benjamin Lincoln was trapped and surrendered his entire army of 5400 after a long battle, and the Siege of Charleston was America's biggest defeat in the war (see the "Supreme Commander" of Henry Clinton for more). Making Charlestown their first priority, Britain sent General Clinton to the south from New England in October 1779. General Lincoln was aware of the attack and began fortifying the city, but smallpox epidemics during the winter months were used by local residents. slave owners to ask themselves to send people to help with the effort. After the reinforcement, General Clinton approached the city through James Island and began his siege on April 1, 1780, with about 14,000 soldiers and 90 ships. The bombing began on 11 March. De Laumoy advised the surrender of Lincoln, for the rebels had only about 5500 men and an inadequate fortress to drive troops against them. As Britain cut off its supply lines and backward lines through battles at Monck's Corner and Lenud's Ferry, Lincoln lasted until May 12, when its surrender became America's biggest defeat in the war. General Clinton left Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis in Charleston with about 3,000 troops to consolidate British control and then move north against Virginia. The troops are responsible for the decisive victory of Cornwallis in Camden on 16 August.

Some Americans escaped the massacre and joined several militias, including Francis Marion, 'Swampfox,' and Andrew Pickens. The militia used hit-and-run tactics and targeted solitary Loyalists. Clinton returned to New York, leaving Charles Cornwallis with 8,000 men to rally the Loyalists, build fortifications throughout the state, and demand a pledge of allegiance to the King. Many of these fortresses were taken over by the Patriot militia. The occupation forces exaggerated the power of the Loyalists and the willingness of the people to obey the authority of the Kingdom. The British government was undermined by its inconsistent and arbitrary policies, along with disputes between military and civilian officials, authorities and the reluctance of British officials to restore full civilian rule. As a result, the people of South Carolina lost confidence in the royal government that restored Charleston long before the British defeat at Yorktown and the departure of England at the end of 1782.

Free Things To Do In Charleston - See the History of South ...
src: static1.squarespace.com

Antebellum: 1783-1861

With British leaders and Loyalists leaving, the city officially changed its name in 1783 to Charleston.

Trade and expansion

In 1788, the Carolinians met in the Capitol building for the Constitution on the Ratification of the Convention, and while there was support for the Federal Government, the division appeared on top of the location of the new Parliament building of the state. Suspicious fires occurred at the Capitol building during the Convention, after which delegates moved into the Exchange and decided Columbia as the new state capital. In 1792, the Capitol was rebuilt and became the Charleston County Courthouse. Once completed, the city had all the public buildings needed to be transformed from the colonial capital to the Southern center before the war. The magnificence and number of buildings erected over the next century reflects the optimism, pride, and destiny of the people that many Charlestonians feel for their community.

Charleston became more prosperous in a plantation-dominated economy in the post-Revolution era. The discovery of the cotton gin in 1793 revolutionized the production of this plant and quickly became South Carolina's main export. Cotton plantations rely heavily on forced labor. Slaves are also the main labor force in the city, working as domestic workers, craftsmen, market workers or laborers. Many of Charleston's black people speak with Gullah, a language based on African American structures that combine African, French, German, Jamaican, English, Bahamian and Dutch. In 1807, the Charleston Market was founded. It soon became a hub for the African-American community, with many slaves and free men from the color staff booth.

By 1820, Charleston's population had grown to 23,000, with a black majority. When a massive slave uprising planned by Danish-born Vesey, found free in 1822, such hysteria occurred in the midst of the whites of Charleston and Carolinians that black activity and free slaves were severely restricted. Hundreds of blacks, free and slaves, and some white supporters who were involved in the uprising planned to be held in the Old Jail. It was also a boost for the construction of a new Arsenal State in Charleston. More recently, research published by historian Michael P. Johnson of Johns Hopkins University has cast doubt on the veracity of accounts detailing Vesey's slave rebellion.

As the governments, communities and industries of Charleston flourished, commercial institutions were established to support community aspirations. The Bank of South Carolina, the second oldest building built as a bank in the country, was founded in 1798. The First and Second Bank branches of the United States were also located in Charleston in 1800 and 1817. While the First Bank was converted to City Hall in 1818 , The Second Bank proved to be an important part of society as it is the only city bank equipped to handle international transactions that are essential for export trade. In 1840, the Hall and Market Warehouse, where meat and fresh produce were brought daily, became the city's commercial center. The slave trade also relies on the port of Charleston, where ships can be lowered and slaves are sold in the market. Contrary to popular belief, slaves are never traded in the Market Hall area.

Political change

In the first half of the 19th century, Southern Carolinians became more devoted to the idea that state rights were higher than Federal government authorities. Buildings such as the Sea Hospital trigger controversy over the level at which the Federal government should engage in South Carolina government, society and commerce. During this period more than 90 percent of federal funds were generated from import duties, collected by customary houses such as those in Charleston. In 1832, South Carolina passed a cancellation rule, a procedure in which a country can effectively revoke the Federal law, aimed at the latest tariff action. Soon the Federal army was dispatched to Charleston's citadels and began collecting the tariff by force. A compromise is reached where tariffs will be reduced gradually, but the arguments underlying the rights of the state will continue to increase in the coming decades. Charleston remains one of the busiest port cities in the country, and the construction of a new and larger US Custom House began in 1849, but its construction was disrupted by Civil War events.

Before the election of 1860, the National Democratic Convention was held in Charleston. Hibernian Hall serves as a base for delegates backing Stephen A. Douglas, who is expected to bridge the gap between northern and southern delegates on the issue of extending slavery to the territories. The service is divided when delegates can not summon two-thirds majority votes for any candidate. This division resulted in a split in the Democratic Party, and the election of Abraham Lincoln, the Republican candidate.

Charleston in the American Civil War - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Civil War: 1861-1865

On December 24, 1860, the South Carolina General Assembly established the first state to separate from the Union. On January 9, 1861, the Benteng cadet fired the first shot of the American Civil War when they fired on a Western Union ship that entered the port of Charleston. On April 12, 1861, the battery under the leadership of General Pierre G. T. Beauregard fired at Fort Fortter held by the Union at the port. After the 34-hour bombing, Major Robert Anderson handed over the castle. Officers and cadets from Benteng were assigned to various Confederate batteries during the Fort Sumter bombing. Although the Fort continued to operate as an academy during the Civil War, the cadets were made part of the South Carolina military department along with the cadets of the Arsenal Academy in Colombia, to form the Cadeton of the State Cadet. Cadets from both institutions continue to assist the Confederate army by helping drill recruits, produce ammunition, protect weapons depots, and keep Union prisoners.

On December 11, 1861, a major fire burned 164 acres of Charleston, including St John and St. Finbar Cathedral, South Carolina Institute Hall, Circular Congregational Church, and many of the city's finest houses. This fire was responsible for much of the destruction seen in Charleston at the end of the war.

In December 1864, Citadel and Arsenal cadets were ordered to join the Confederate troops in Tullifinny Creek, South Carolina, where they were involved in fierce battles with the advanced army of W. Th Sherman, suffering eight victims.

Overall, Citadel Corps of Cadets earned eight stream streamers and one streamer service for its services to South Carolina during the war. The besieged city took control of Fort Sumter, became the center of the running blockade, and was the site of the first successful submarine war on 17 February 1864 when H.L. Hunley made a bold evening raid on USSÃ, Housatonic . In 1865, Union forces moved into the city, and controlled many sites, such as the United States Arsenal, which the Confederates had confiscated during the outbreak of war. The War Department also confiscated the land and buildings of the Military Military Academy, used as a federal garrison for more than 17 years, until returning to the country and reopened as a military college in 1882 under the direction of Lawrence E. Marichak.

McGrady Inn History - Bed & Breakfast in Charleston, IL
src: www.mcgradyinn.com

Postbellum: 1865-1945


After the Confederate defeat, the Federal forces remained in Charleston during the reconstruction of the city. The war had destroyed the prosperity of the city before the war. Released slaves are faced with poverty and discrimination. Industry is slowly bringing the city and its inhabitants back to new vitality and population growth. As urban trade improves, Charlestonians are also working to restore their community institutions.

In 1867, a free junior high school in Charleston for the blacks was founded, Avery Institute. General William T. Sherman gave his support for the conversion of the United States Arsenal to the Porter Military Academy, an educational facility for ex-soldiers and boys left behind orphaned or poor by war. The Porter Military Academy later joined the Gaud School and is now a K-12 preparatory school, the Porter-Gaud School. The William Enston Homes, a community planned for the old city and infirmed, was built in 1889. J. Taylor Pearson, a freed slave, designed the House, and passed peacefully in it after years as a post-reconstruction maintenance manager. An elaborate public building, the United States Post and Courts Office, was completed in 1896 and hinted at a new life in the heart of the city (this is called community congestion).

Earthquake 1886

On August 31, 1886, Charleston was almost destroyed by an earthquake. Shock is estimated to have a magnitude of 7.0 and a maximum Mercalli intensity X ( Extreme ). Significant damage was reported as far as Tybee Island, Georgia (over 60 miles away) and structural damage was reported several hundred miles from Charleston (including central Alabama, central Ohio, eastern Kentucky, southern Virginia, and western Virginia). It feels as far north as Boston, Chicago and Milwaukee to the northwest, as far west as New Orleans, as far south as Cuba, and as far east as Bermuda. It destroyed 2,000 buildings in Charleston and caused damage of $ 6 million ($ 133 million (2006 USD)), while in the whole city the building was only worth about $ 24 million ($ 531 million (2006 USD).

Charleston During the Civil War
src: www.sonofthesouth.net

Modern-day: 1945 - now

Hurricane Hugo

Hurricane Hugo hit Charleston in 1989, and although the worst damage occurred near McClellanville, the storm damaged three-quarters of the homes in Charleston's historic district. The storm caused damage of more than $ 2.8 billion.

Joe Riley's Era

Since his election as mayor in 1975, Joe Riley has been a major supporter of reviving Charleston's economic and cultural heritage. The last thirty years of the 20th century saw a new reinvestment in the city, with a number of city improvements and a commitment to historic preservation. These commitments are not slowed by Hurricane Hugo and continue to this day. Joe Riley resigns as mayor at the end of 2016.

Charleston is a top tourist destination, with a plethora of luxury hotels, hotel chains, inns and bed and breakfasts and a plethora of award winning and quality shopping. The city is famous for its streets filled with giant oak trees wrapped in Spanish moss, and everywhere Palmetto Cabbage, which is a South Carolina state tree. Along the coast in the area known as the Rainbow Row are many beautiful and historic pastel houses.

The city is also an important port, which is raising the second largest container port on the East Coast and the fourth largest container port in North America. Charleston is a prime location for information technology jobs and companies, especially Blackbaud, Modulant, CSS, and Benefitfocus.

Charleston is also an important art destination, named the top 25 art goals by the AmericanStyle magazine . Some of the city's art galleries include: Corrigan Gallery, LLC, Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art, Wells-Kiawah Gallery, Robert Lange Studios, and Gibbes Museum of Art.

Charleston is the main medical center for the eastern part of the state. The city has several major hospitals located just downtown: Medical University of South Carolina Medical Center (MUSC), Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, and Roper Hospital. MUSC is the state's first medical school, the state's largest medical university, and the oldest continuing medical school in the United States. The downtown medical district is experiencing the rapid growth of biotechnology and medical research industry coupled with major expansion of all major hospitals. In addition, more expansions are planned or performed at several other major hospitals located in other parts of the city and metropolitan areas: Bon Secours-St Francis Xavier Hospital, Trident Health Center, and East Cooper Regional Medical Center.

Charleston church shoot

The mass shootings occurred at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston on the night of June 17, 2015. The senior pastor, Reverend Clementa C. Pinckney, a state senator, was among the nine dead. The gunman was identified as a white man named Dylann Roof, arrested the morning after the attack in Shelby, North Carolina, and was officially sentenced to death. The shooting was being investigated as a hate crime by local and federal officials.

Random Thoughts on History: Vandalizing a Slave Dealer's ...
src: 2.bp.blogspot.com

See also

  • American urban history
  • Charleston in the American Civil War
  • Charleston, South Carolina - main article
  • The history of the Jews in Charleston, South Carolina
  • List of newspapers in South Carolina: Charleston
  • Charleston Timeline, South Carolina

History Abounds on Charleston's Museum Mile - Things to Do in ...
src: travelerofcharleston.com


Charles Town, South Carolina
src: www.carolana.com

Further reading

  • Bostick, Douglas W. Unity of Dissolved!: Charleston and Fort Sumter in Civil War (The History Press, 2009)
  • Bridenbaugh, Carl. Town in Wilderness-The First Century of Urban Life in America 1625-1742 (1938) online edition
  • Bridenbaugh, Carl. Cities in the Revolt: Urban Life in America, 1743-1776 (1955)
  • Burton, E. Milby. Siege of Charleston, 1861-1865 (University of South Carolina Press, 1970)
  • Datel, Robin Elisabeth. "Southern Regionalism and historic preservation in Charleston, South Carolina, 1920-1940." Journal of Geography History (1990) 16 # 2 pp: 197-215.
  • Estes, Steve. Charleston in Black and White: Race and Power in the South after the Civil Rights Movement (University of North Carolina Press, 2015). 222 pp.
  • Fitchett, E. Horace. "A free Negro tradition in Charleston, South Carolina." Journal of the Negro History (1940): 139-152. in JSTOR
  • Fraser, Walter J. Charleston! Charleston!: The History of a Southern City (1991) quote
  • Gestler, Diana Hollingsworth. Very Charleston: Celebration of History, Culture, and Charm of the Lowlands (2013)
  • Jaher, Frederic. Urban Establishment: Upper Strata in Boston, New York, Charleston, Chicago, and Los Angeles (1982)
  • Johnson, Donald F. "The Failure of Restored English Rules in Revolutionary Charleston, South Carolina." Journal of Imperial History and Commonwealth (2014) 42 # 1 pp: 22-40.
  • Nash, R. C. "Urbanization at Colonial South Charleston, South Carolina, as a Case Study." Journal of Urban History 19.1 (1992): 3-29.
  • Pease, William Henry, and Jane H. Pease. Network progress: private and public values ​​in Boston and Charleston, 1828-1843 (1985)
  • Pease, Jane H. and William Henry Pease. Ladies, Women, and Wenches: Options and Limits in Charleston and Boston Antebellum (Haworth Press, 1990)
  • Rosen, Robert N. Charleston Short History (1997), Popular History
  • The seller, Leila. Charleston Business the Night of the American Revolution (Arno Press, 1970)
  • Simkins, Francis Butler, and Robert Henley Woody. South Carolina during Reconstruction (1932)
  • White, Laura Amanda. Robert Barnwell Rhett: Lonely Father (1965)

Primary source

  • Directory City. 1852; 1882; 1888
  • The city government's annual report. 1870.

New exhibit features historic photos of Charleston Museum, the ...
src: media2.fdncms.com

External links

  • The city census of Charleston, South Carolina, for 1848: shows the condition and prospects of the city, illustrated by many statistical details

Source of the article : Wikipedia
