In the United States, road signs are, to a large extent, standardized by federal regulations, especially in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Equipment (MUTCD) and their counterparts Highway Standard Signs (SHS). There are no plans to adopt the Vienna Convention on Standards of Signs and Road Signs.
Twenty-three states together with the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico use manuals without change, 20 countries have adopted it in conjunction with additional volumes, and seven states have country versions in substantial compliance with MUTCD. There are also local versions used in big cities like New York City that use MUTCD compatible naming systems and/or state supplements. MUTCD and SHS establish seven general categories of signs for road and highway use (all signs of the national MUTCD, except noted).
Video Road signs in the United States
Regulatory signs provide instructions to motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. Signs such as stop, no parking, no turns, and results are considered as a rule sign. Some have special shapes, such as octaves for stop signs and X forms for railway crossings. Some signs can be localized, such as no parking, and some are only found in state and local jurisdictions as they are based on state or local laws, such as the New York City "Do Not Block the Box" sign. These signs are in the R series of signs on the MUTCD and are usually in the R series in most state supplements or MUTCD countries.
R1 Series: Stop and Yield
Seri R1 MUTCD adalah untuk berhenti dan menghasilkan. Karena tidak semua situasi tercakup, beberapa negara bagian memiliki standar mereka sendiri selain MUTCD. The 4-WAY dan 3-WAY plaques (R1-3) sudah ditinggalkan dalam Edisi 2009 dari MUTCD dalam mendukung plakat SEMUA WAY (R1-4P).
- Stop dan Yield
Seri R2: Batas Kecepatan
The R2 MUTCD series is for speed limit signs. Some state supplements and MUTCD countries put various speed limit markers in other series. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD. Speed ​​limit in the United States in miles per hour. Metric speed limits within kilometers per hour are permitted but very rare, usually seen near the border with Canada and Mexico, both of which use the metric system. But many countries prohibit the use of metric signs on state-run roads, increasing the scarcity of these signs.
- Speed ​​Limit Alerts
R3 Series: Lane Usage and Turns
Rangkaian tanda R3 MUTCD adalah untuk penggunaan jalur dan tanda belokan. Karena semua situasi tidak tercakup, beberapa negara bagian memiliki standar mereka sendiri selain MUTCD.
- Lane Usage dan Turns Signs
R4 Series: Peraturan Gerakan
Rangkaian tanda R4 MUTCD adalah untuk pengaturan tanda-tanda gerakan. Karena semua situasi tidak tercakup, beberapa negara bagian memiliki standar mereka sendiri selain MUTCD.
- Peraturan Tanda Gerakan
R5 Series: Exclusionary
Rangkaian tanda R5 MUTCD adalah untuk tanda-tanda eksklusif. Karena semua situasi tidak tercakup, beberapa negara bagian memiliki standar mereka sendiri selain MUTCD. Tanda-tanda yang paling umum adalah tanda tidak masuk.
- Tanda Pengecualian
R6 Series: One Way and Divided Highway
The R6 MUTCD series of signals is for one way signposts and split. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD. The most common of these signs is a one-way sign.
- One Way and Divided Highway
R7 Series: Parking
The MUTCD allows for three types of parking signs, permissive, no parking, and no standing. However, in most states, there are more stringent additions, not stopping. These signs are found in the series of R7 signs in the MUTCD. Because all situations are not covered, some states and local governments have their own standards other than MUTCD.
Permissive Parking
Such signs allow parking for an indefinite or varied time. This type is often used along with parking meters and parking permits. These marks are determined by MUTCD to be green on white. Local variations do occur with additional information and slightly different designs.
- Permissive Parking
No Parking
The parking sign does not indicate that loading or unloading there temporarily paused is allowed, but parking is not. Some parking signs do not display time limits, while others are permanent restrictions. There are also temporary versions of those signs, often from designs similar to permanent ones. These marks are determined by MUTCD to be red in white, although local variations do occur.
- No Parking
No Standing
No standing signs indicate that a temporary stop to load or unload passengers is allowed, while parking is not allowed. Just as there are no parking signs, some of the restrictions shown on the signs are permanent and some are time-based. The signs are also determined by MUTCD to be red in white, but local variations exist.
- No Standing
Not Stopping
No stop signs indicate that stops are only allowed to obey traffic signs, signals, traffic agents, police officers, or to avoid conflicts with other vehicles. This is the most limiting parking sign. They are usually white.
- No Termination
R8 Series: Parking and Emergency Limitations
The series of MUTCD's R8 marks is for parking restrictions and emergency restriction signs. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
- Parking and Emergency Restrictions
R9 Series: Bicycle and Pedestrian
Rangkaian tanda R9 MUTCD adalah untuk tanda-tanda sepeda dan pejalan kaki. Karena semua situasi tidak tercakup, beberapa negara bagian memiliki standar mereka sendiri selain MUTCD.
- Tanda Sepeda dan Pejalan Kaki
R10 Series: Traffic Signal
Rangkaian tanda R10 MUTCD adalah untuk rambu-rambu terkait sinyal lalu lintas. Karena semua situasi tidak tercakup, beberapa negara bagian memiliki standar mereka sendiri selain MUTCD.
- Rambu Sinyal Lalu Lintas
R11 Series: Road Closed
The series of R11 MUTCD marks is for road-related roadblocks. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
- Closed Path Sign
- R12 Series: Weight Limit
- Weight Limit
- Rel dan Light Rail Signs
- Local and Other State Serials
- School
The series of MUTCD's R12 marks is for boundary weight related signs. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
R13 Series: Weigh Stations
The series of MUTCD's R13 marks is for the corresponding weigh stations. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
R14 Series: Truck Routes
The R14 MUTCD sign series is for truck-related routes. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
R15 Series: Rail and Light Rail
Rangkaian tanda R15 MUTCD adalah untuk rambu rel dan rel cahaya. Karena semua situasi tidak tercakup, beberapa negara bagian memiliki standar mereka sendiri selain MUTCD.
R16 Series: Sabuk Pengaman dan Penggunaan Headlight
The series of MUTCD R16 marks is for seat belts and lights that use related marks. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
- Security Belts and Headlight Signs
Other Local and State Series
MUTCD does not cover all situations, so states and local governments have developed signs of their own rules. In this case, the category marks assigned series either use MUTCD styles, but are higher than 16 (as is done in Texas), or use a unique series nomenclature system (as is done in California).
Maps Road signs in the United States
A series of special S signs designed by MUTCD for use around the school. Some countries have additional school-related warning signs in the S series, as well as in a series of W warning signs and/or R series of regulatory signs from state supplements or state MUTCD. MUTCD now requires a school warning sign to have a yellow-green neon background color.
Warning signs are found in the national W MUTCD series. They highlight existing conditions, such as curves, schools, dead ends, or traffic signals. They can also warn of possible dangers such as bumps, bicycles, low planes, or emergency vehicles. These signs are either yellow or yellow in fluorescent and, with the exception of some signs, are usually diamond shaped and sometimes have small plaques or rectangular or square plaques associated with them. Most W series markers can also be found with orange backgrounds for temporary use in situations such as construction zones. Some temporary use signs are only for use in temporary situations.
W1 Series: Curves and Turn
Rangkaian tanda W1 MUTCD adalah untuk tanda peringatan yang berkaitan dengan kurva dan belokan. Karena semua situasi tidak tercakup, beberapa negara bagian memiliki standar mereka sendiri selain MUTCD.
- Curves dan Turns
W2 Series: Intersections
Rangkaian tanda W2 MUTCD adalah untuk tanda peringatan yang berkaitan dengan persimpangan termasuk lingkaran lalu lintas. Karena semua situasi tidak tercakup, beberapa negara bagian memiliki standar mereka sendiri selain MUTCD.
- Intersections
Seri W3: Kontrol Lalu Lintas Lanjut
The W3 MUTCD sign series is for warning signals related to advanced traffic control such as speed and signal limits. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD. MUTCD provides options for graphical and text marking.
- Advanced Traffic Control
W4 Series: Lanes and Join
Rangkaian tanda W4 MUTCD adalah untuk tanda peringatan yang berkaitan dengan kontrol lalu lintas lanjutan seperti batas kecepatan dan sinyal. Karena semua situasi tidak tercakup, beberapa negara bagian memiliki standar mereka sendiri selain MUTCD.
- Lanes dan Gabung
W5 Series: Batasan Lebar Jalan
The series of W5 MUTCD marks is for warning signals related to road width restrictions. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD. MUTCD provides options for graphical and text marking.
- Width of the Road
W6 Series: Divided Highways
The sequence of W6 MUTCD signals is for warning signs related to shared roads. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD. MUTCD provides options for graphical and text marking.
- Divided Road
W7 Series: Hill and Class
MUTCD menyediakan beberapa tanda dalam seri W7 yang berhubungan dengan bukit dan tingkat. Beberapa negara bagian memiliki tanda tambahan untuk jenis situasi lain yang tidak tercakup oleh MUTCD.
- Bukit dan Kelas
Seri W8: Kondisi Paving dan Jalan Raya
The W8 MUTCD sign series is for warning signals related to sidewalk and road conditions. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
- Road and Yacht Condition
- Rock and Mud
- Wind, Fog, and Storm
- Es and Frost
- Flood and Water Condition
W9 Series: Path Transitions
The W9 MUTCD signaling circuit is for warning signals related to path transitions. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
- Lane Transitions
W10 Series: Rail and Light Rail
Rangkaian tanda W10 MUTCD adalah untuk tanda peringatan yang berkaitan dengan rel dan rel ringan. Karena semua situasi tidak tercakup, beberapa negara bagian memiliki standar mereka sendiri selain MUTCD.
- Rel dan Light Rail
W11 Series: Peringatan Muka dan Penyeberangan
The W11 MUTCD sign series is for warning alerts related to advanced warnings and crosswalks. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD. MUTCD allows the use of a yellow-green neon background color for signs relating to people who cross the road.
Emergency Vehicles
MUTCD only provides warning of fire stations in the W11 series. Most countries have their own signs for other types of emergency vehicles that may enter the road.
- Emergency Vehicle
The MUTCD specifies there are no child-related signs in the W11 series. Some states, districts, and cities have signs of situations when children play as well as children with various medical conditions. Some of these marks vary from one state to another because there are no federal standards.
- Children
MUTCD provides several signs in W11 series warnings about bicycles and to sign bicycle facilities. Some states and regions have special signs related to their bikes as well.
- Bicycle
MUTCD menyediakan beberapa tanda dalam seri W11 yang berhubungan dengan kendaraan. Beberapa negara bagian memiliki tanda tambahan untuk jenis kendaraan lain dan situasi mengenai kendaraan yang tidak tercakup oleh MUTCD.
- Kendaraan
Pejalan Kaki, Transit, dan Penerbangan
MUTCD provides several signs in the W11 series that deal with pedestrians, transit, and flights. Some states have additional marks for other types of vehicles and situations concerning vehicles not covered by MUTCD.
- Pedestrian, Train and Flight
MUTCD menyediakan beberapa tanda dalam seri W11 yang berhubungan dengan binatang. Beberapa negara bagian memiliki tanda tambahan untuk jenis hewan lain yang tidak tercakup oleh MUTCD.
- Hewan
Jalan masuk dan Masuk
MUTCD does not provide any signs in the W11 series that correspond to the entrance and entrance. Many countries have their own sign standards relating to the situation they place in their own W11 series.
- Access and Login
W12 Series: Low Free Distance
The W12 MUTCD sign series is for warning signs related to low net distance. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
- Low Free Distance
W13 Series: Advisory Speed ​​
The W13 MUTCD sign series is for warning signals related to advisory speed. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
- Speed ​​Advisor
W14 Series: Dead End Streets and No Passing Zones
The W14 MUTCD sign series is for warning signs related to deadlock and no passing zones. As all situations are not covered, some states and local governments have additional marks for other types of situations not covered by the MUTCD.
- Dead End and Limited Access Streets
W15 Series: Playgrounds
The W15 MUTCD sign series is for warning signs related to the playground. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
- Playgrounds
W16 Series: Additional Placards
The W16 MUTCD sign series is for an additional plaque for the warning sign. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
- Additional Placards
Series W17: Speed ​​Humps
The W17 MUTCD signal series is for warning signals related to the speed of the mound. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
- Humps Speed ​​
- W19 Series: End of Controlled Access Highway
- End of Controlled Access
- Work Zone Signs
- Closed Path Sign
- Road Signs
- Blasting Zone Signs
- Double Indentation Backlink
- Extended Green Alert
- Miscellaneous
- Tanda Nama Jalan
- Tanda Jalan Tol
- Non Compliant vs Compliant Signs
The W19 MUTCD signs series are warning signs relating to the end of access controlled highways. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
W20 Series: Work Zone
The W20 MUTCD sign series is for warning signs related to the work zone. These signs are usually orange in color used for temporary situations. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
W20 Series: Road End
STREET MUTCD CLOSE warning signs that the road is closed, these signs are white.
Series W21: Road Works
The W21 MUTCD sign series is a warning sign related to road work. These signs are usually orange in color used for temporary situations. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD
Series W22: Blasting Zone
The W22 MUTCD sign series is a warning sign associated with the blasting zone. These signs are usually orange in color used for temporary situations. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
Series W23: Traffic Slow
The W23 signature circuit of MUTCD is a warning sign related to slow traffic. These signs are usually orange in color used for temporary situations. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
W24 Series: Shifting Path
The series of W24 MUTCD signs are for warning signals related to the shifting of the lane, where the traffic will be shifted slightly to the left or right of the highway, but the route does not change. These signs are usually orange in color used for temporary situations. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
W25 Series: Upcoming Traffic Has a Green Extension
The W25 MUTCD marking circuit is for traffic alerts that come with an expanded green signal at the traffic light. Because all situations are not covered, some states have their own standards other than MUTCD.
MUTCD does not provide any signs related to some other road and highway situations. Many countries have their own sign standards dealing with this situation.
Catatan: Spidol negara adalah contoh ilustratif; semua negara dapat memilih bentuk penanda mereka sendiri atau menggunakan lingkaran default. Lihat Jalan raya bernomor di jalan raya Serikat # Serikat dan sistem serupa lainnya.
Tanda Jalan Tol
Bab 2F dari MUTCD membahas tanda-tanda untuk jalan tol.
Rumah Sakit
Tidak sesuai dengan Tanda MUTCD
Ada banyak tanda yang tidak sesuai dengan standar MUTCD dan/atau MUTCD negara yang terlihat digunakan di jalan umum dan semi-publik.
Tanda yang digantikan
Tanda-tanda ini telah digantikan, tetapi masih dapat dilihat di beberapa tempat
Tautan eksternal
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Source of the article : Wikipedia