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Charles Meade (December 24, 1916 - April 10, 2010) was the founder of the first Christian church called End Time Ministries, then Meade Ministries, based in southern Lake City, Florida.

Meade was born in a farmer's family in Oil Springs, Kentucky (west of Paintsville), the ninth of his mother. According to the church literature he is the twelfth child of fifteen children.

As a young man, Meade was reportedly serving in the United States armed forces on the front lines in World War II. According to church literature, he was seriously injured more than once, but there is no indication of this in his ministry record. He claims this because of his biblical skills in the heart of danger. During the early 1970s Meade began to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to various groups of young people in late adolescence and early twenties. They meet in the living room, garage and various cult meeting places across the United States.

He founded Meade Ministries (now Mountaintop Ministries Worldwide) in 1984, he moved his ministry from South Dakota and Indiana to Lake City, Florida. According to the church, God told Charles Meade that Lake City, Florida, would be the only place for believers to survive Armageddon. In a 1998 article New York Times of the doomsday group, writers Alex Heard and Peter Klebnikov explain Meade's beliefs about doomsday:

The world will soon be covered with sticky white substances, Meade says, leaving his church standing as a beacon of light. In recent years, some 2,000 followers have left their homes in at least 14 states and moved to an underground bomb shelter at the Meade property. There they lived safely from the word and ate their daily bread. The Meade-ites has grown in local businesses, and the church has built an amazing $ 10 million worship center shaped like Noah's ark - a design intended to attract new members.

Meade married twice, first to Marie Meade who died of breast cancer on October 24, 1985, and then in November 1985 to Marlene Helen Malthesen.

Video Charles Meade


Maps Charles Meade


  • Hughes, John (1991) "The Endangered City - Endtimes Ministries" South Florida Sun Sentinel on May 19, 1991, reproduced in the Cult Awareness and Information Center
  • Leithauser, Tom (1988) "Who is Rev. Charles Meade? The leader of the religious sect moved to Lake City" Lake City Reporter on November 21, 1988
  • The four-part series by AP author Todd Lewan (April 5, 2005) Associated Press , accessed via Lexis/Nexis commercial services
"Part I: A fake prophet, legion of followers, and 'Promised Land' in Florida" is reproduced on The Times and Democrat website and as "In Lake City , The Promised Land of apocalypse "at Gainesville Sun
"Part II: Final Time Determinants flourish in Lake City, but what goes on behind their walls and fences is not always so beautiful" reproduced on The Times and Democrat website
"Part III: an unshakable house of worship - and a vigorous demand for money" was reproduced from Daytona Beach News-Journal on April 18, 2005 on the website of the International Cultic Studies Association; requires Microsoft Internet Explorer
"Part IV: A 'promised land' is made prosperous - yet suspicious and split" reproduced on the Tampa Bay Online website , from the Internet Archive
"How is this series reported" from the International Cults Association's Website (formerly the American Family Foundation); requires Microsoft Internet Explorer

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External links

  • the obituary of Charles Meade

Source of the article : Wikipedia
