Minggu, 24 Juni 2018

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World War II Home front: 14 year old Eileen Gearing shows some ...
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home front covers the activities of civilians in belligerent countries. World War II was a total war; The production of the homeland becomes more valuable to the forces of the Allies and Axis. Life on the front of the house during World War II was an important part of the war effort for all participants and had a huge impact on the outcome of the war. The government is involved with new issues such as rationing, labor allocation, home defense, evacuation in the face of air strikes, and response to occupation by enemy forces. Moral and psychological people respond to leadership and propaganda. Usually women are mobilized to an unprecedented extent.

All the forces involved have learned from their experiences in front of the house during World War I. Their success in mobilizing economic output is a major factor in supporting combat operations. Among the moral-enhancing activities that also benefit combat efforts, the front-house engages in memos for material that is essential for war effort such as metal, rubber, and cloth.

Video Home front during World War II


The main powers devote 50-61 percent of their total GDP to ammunition production. Allies produce about three times as much in ammunition as axis power.

Source: Goldsmith Data in Harrison (1988) p.Ã, 172

Source: Jerome B Cohen, Japanese Economy in War and Reconstruction (1949) p. 354

Maps Home front during World War II


The Allies called themselves "the United Nations" (even before the organization was formed in 1945), and promised their support to the Atlantic Charter of 1941. The charter declared the ideal aim of war: no expansion of territory; no territorial change is made against the will of the people; the restoration of self-government to the deprived; free access to raw materials; reduction of trade restrictions; global cooperation to secure better economic and social conditions for all; freedom from fear and desire; freedom of the sea; and ignoring the use of force, as well as the disarmament of the aggressor countries.


The sudden German invasion of neutral Belgium in May 1940 led to within 18 days of the collapse of the Belgian army; King Leopold gained a ceasefire involving the direct administration of the German military. The king rejected the government's request that he flee with them to England; he remained as a puppet ruler under German control. The Belgian bureaucracy remains in place and generally cooperates with the German authorities. Two pro-German movements, the Flemish National Union composed of Flemish separatists (Dutch-speaking) and Walloon (in French) Rexists led by LÃÆ' Â © on Degrelle (1906-94), supported the invaders and encouraged their youth to volunteer for the German army. The small but active resistance movement, mostly Communist, provided intelligence to the Allies. During the Holocaust in Belgium, the Nazis hunted 70,000 Jews living in Belgium, most of them refugees, and killed 29,000 of them.

Germany is expected to exploit the Belgian industrial resources to support their war machine. Their policy created a severe shortfall for the Belgians, but sent far fewer than Germany had expected. They established the "Armaments Inspection Board" in 1940 to deliver ammunition orders to factories; The council was under the control of German Defense Minister Albert Speer in 1943, and had offices in industrial areas that should facilitate orders for materials, and oversee production. However, factory production fell sharply after 1942. Although collaboration with the Nazis, especially among the Flemish, proved in 1940, it soon faded in its interests. Labor strikes and systematic sabotage slowed production, as well as labor emigration into rural areas, Allied bombings, food shortages, and labor pitfalls.

The Allies recaptured all of Belgium in September 1944 when the German forces withdrew. They emerged briefly during the fierce battle of the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944, but were eventually expelled in January 1945. The London-based government was in exile again, but had to face a resistance movement demanding radical political change.


China suffered the second highest number of deaths throughout the war. Civilians in the occupied territories must endure many large-scale massacres, including in Nanjing. In some areas, Japanese troops also unleas newly developed biological weapons on Chinese civilians, causing some 200,000 deaths. Tens of thousands of people were killed when Nationalist forces destroyed the Yangtze River dike to halt Japan's progress after losing the capital of China, Nanjing. Millions of Chinese died from starvation during the war.

Japan captured major coastal cities such as Shanghai at the start of the war, cutting off the rest of China from major financial and industrial sources. Millions of Chinese moved to remote areas to avoid the invasion. Cities like Kunming are bubbling with newcomers. All factories and universities are moved to a safe area so that people can still function. Japan responded with hundreds of air strikes in Chongqing's new capital.

Although China receives much help from the United States, China does not have enough infrastructure to channel or even feed its military forces, let alone its civilians.

China is divided into three zones, with the Nationalists in the southwest and the Communists led by Mao Zedong (Mao) controlling most of the northwest. Coastal areas are occupied by Japan, and civilians are treated harshly; young men recruited into Chinese puppet army.


After a very quick victory in June 1940, France was knocked out of war; part of it, with its capital at Vichy, being an informal ally of Germany. A strong resistance movement emerged, as Germany fortified the coast against the Allied invasion and occupied the northern part of the country. Germany captured 2,000,000 French soldiers, and placed them in prisoner of war camps in Germany during the war, using them as hostages to secure French cooperation. The French government Vichy works closely with Germany, sending food, machinery and workers to Germany. Hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen and women were forced to work in German factories, or voluntarily did so, as the French economy itself deteriorated. Nevertheless, there was a strong Resistance movement, with fierce anti-resistance activities perpetrated by the Nazis and French police. Most Jews were arrested by Vichy police and handed over to Germany, who sent them to the death camp.

Wife of war

Two million French soldiers who were held prisoners of war and forced labor in Germany during the war did not risk death in battle, but the anxiety of separation for their 800,000 wives was very high. The government provides modest benefits, but one in ten becomes a prostitute to support their families. Meanwhile, the Vichy regime promoted a very traditional female role model. After the war, France gave women additional votes and legal and political rights, though none existed on the pardon scale that followed World War I.

Lack of food in front of house

Women suffer from deficiencies of all kinds of consumer goods and the absence of men in POW camps. The rationing system is very strict and mismanaged, leading to malnutrition, black market and hostility to the country's food supply management. Germany captured about 20% of French food production, which caused severe disruption to the French household economy. French agricultural production fell by half due to lack of fuel, fertilizer and workers; Even so, Germany seized half the meat and 20% of the crop. The supply problem quickly affected the French shop, which did not have much stuff. The government responded with allotment, but the German officials established policies and hunger, especially affecting young people in urban areas. In stores, the queue is extended. Some people - including German soldiers who can take advantage of a random exchange rate favorable to Germany - benefit from the black market, where food is sold without coupons at very high prices. Farmers shift meat to the black market, so the open market is much less. Fake food coupons are also outstanding. Direct purchases from rural farmers and barter against cigarettes are common. This activity is strictly prohibited, and carries the risk of foreclosures and fines. Most acute food shortages in big cities. Vitamin deficiency and malnutrition are common. Advice on eating healthy foods and products grown at home is distributed. Slogans such as "Digging for Victory" and "Make Do and Mend" appear on national posters and become part of the war effort. The urban environment makes this effort almost meaningless. However, in more remote rural villages, secret massacres, vegetable gardens and the availability of dairy products allow survival. Official rations provide a starvation diet of 1,300 calories or fewer per day (5400 kJ), plus home gardens and, especially, black market purchases.


The Dutch hunger of 1944, known as Hongerwinter ("Winter of hunger") was a man-made famine worn by the Germans in the occupied western provinces during the winter of 1944-1945. The German blockade cuts shipments of food and fuel from agricultural areas. As many as 4.5 million people affected, 18,000 people died, although there was a complicated system of emergency soup kitchen.


Food security as a Nazi weapon

The Nazi Hunger Plan was to kill Polish Jews quickly, and slowly force the Poles to go with the threat of hunger, so they could be replaced by German settlers. The Nazis forced Poland to work in Germany by providing a favorable food ration for families with members working in the Reich. The German ethnic population in Poland ( Volksdeutsche ) was given a good ration and was allowed to shop for food in specialty stores. The German invaders created a cruel system of food control, including severe punishment for the black market everywhere. There was a sharp increase in deaths due to generalized malnutrition, and decreased birth rates.

In mid-1941, the German minority in Poland received 2,613 calories (11,000 kJ) per day, while Poland received 699 and Jews in the 184 ghetto. The Jewish rations accounted for only 7.5% of their daily needs; Polish quota is only 26%. Only rations are allocated to Germans who provide the required full calorie intake.

The distribution of food in the Nazis occupied Poland in December 1941

In addition, the Ost General Plan of the Nazis, which dreams of the abolition of Slavic populations in artificial occupation and famina areas â € "as proposed in the Famine Plan, will be used.

Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto: 1943

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, conquering it in three weeks, when the Soviets invaded the eastern region. During the German occupation, there were two different civil rebellions in Warsaw, one in 1943, the other in 1944. The first took place in a zone of less than two square miles (5 km 2 ) in the area, which had carved by Germans from the city and called Ghetto Warschau . Germany built a high wall around the ghetto, and packed 550,000 Polish Jews into it, many from the Polish province. At first, people were allowed in and left the ghetto, but soon the border became "iron curtain". Except on official business, Jews can not go, and non-Jews, including Germans, can not enter. The entry point is guarded by the German army. Due to extreme conditions and famine, the mortality rate in the ghetto is very high. In 1942, Germany transferred 400,000 ghetto residents to Treblinka where they were gassed when it arrived. On April 19, 1943, when the Ghetto Uprising began, the ghetto population had shrunk to 60,000. In the next three weeks, almost all died when the Germans fought and systematically destroyed buildings in the ghetto.

Warsaw revolt of 1944

The uprising by Poland began on August 1, 1944, when the underground Poland, the "House Army", realized that the Soviet Army had reached the eastern edge of Vistula, seeking to free Warsaw as much as the French resistance had liberated Paris a few weeks earlier. Joseph Stalin has his own Communist leader group for the new Polish and does not want the Home Army or its leaders (based in London) to control Warsaw. So he stopped the Soviet attack and gave the Germans the freedom to suppress him. During the next 63 days, 250,000 Polish Army surrendered to Germany. After Germany forced all the living population to leave the city, Hitler ordered that every remaining building stand in dynamite - 98 percent of buildings in Warsaw were destroyed.


During the Soviet invasion in the early months of the war, rapid German progress almost captured the cities of Moscow and Leningrad. The vast majority of Soviet industries that could not be evacuated were either destroyed or lost by the German occupation. Agricultural production is disrupted, with the remaining crops standing in the fields. This caused a hunger reminiscent of the early 1930s. In one of the largest war logistics activities, the plant was evacuated on a large scale, with 1,523 factories dismantled and shipped east along four major routes to the Caucasus, Central Asia, Ural and Siberia. In general, tools, dies and production technologies are moved, along with blueprints and their management, technical staff and skilled workforce.

The whole Soviet Union is dedicated to the war effort. The people of the Soviet Union may be better prepared than any other country involved in World War II to endure the material difficulties of war - especially since they are so used to the shortcomings and economic crises of the past, especially during wartime - World War I have brought the same restrictions on food. Conditions are very severe. World War II specifically ravaged the citizens of the Soviet Union because the war took place in Soviet territory and caused great damage. In Leningrad, under the German siege, more than a million people died of starvation and disease. Many factory workers are teenagers, women and the elderly. The government applied the allotment in 1941 and first applied it to bread, flour, cereals, pasta, butter, margarine, vegetable oil, meat, fish, sugar and confectionery all over the country. Rations remained stable elsewhere during the war. Off-ration foods are often so expensive that they can not supplement food supplies unless they are paid handsomely. Farmers do not receive allotment and must be satisfied with the local resources that they plant themselves. Most rural farmers struggle and live in unbearable poverty, but others sell their excess food at a high price; some become ruble millionaires, until a two-year currency reform after the end of the war erases their wealth.

Despite the harsh conditions, the war caused a spike in Soviet nationalism and unity. Soviet propaganda softened the extreme Communist rhetoric of the past as the people now rallied to protect their homeland against the crimes of the German invaders. Ethnic minorities are considered collaborators forced into exile. Religion, previously shunned, became part of the Communist Party's propaganda campaign to mobilize religious people. Soviet society changed drastically during the war. There was a marriage explosion in June and July of 1941 between people who were going to be separated by war, and in the next few years the marriage rate dropped dramatically, with the rate of birth shortly after that only about half of what would happen. are in peacetime. For this reason mothers with several children during the war receive great rewards and money if they have multiple children - mothers can earn about 1,300 rubles to have their fourth child and up to 5,000 rubles for the tenth.

Staying in Leningrad

The city of Leningrad suffered more misery and hardship than any other city in the Soviet Union during World War II. Hunger, malnutrition, disease, hunger, and even cannibalism became common during the siege, which lasted from September 1941 to January 1944. Many people lost weight, and grew weaker and more susceptible to illness. If malnutrition persists long enough, the effect can not be changed. Feelings of loyalty disappear if they are hungry enough; they will steal from their immediate family members to survive.

Only a few survivors of Leningrad. Only 400,000 people were evacuated before the siege began; this left 2.5 million in Leningrad, including 400,000 children. Furthermore, more successful escape; especially when nearby Ladoga Lake froze and people could walk on the ice - or "way of life" - toward salvation. Those in influential political or social positions use their connections to other elites to leave Leningrad well before and after the siege begins. Some factory owners even looted state funds to secure transportation out of town during the first summer of war. However, the most risky escape route is to defect to the enemy and hope to avoid government punishment.

Most survival strategies during siege take place, though, engaging in the city and facing problems through ingenuity or fortune: for example by getting factory work, as many factories become autonomous and have more requirements to survive during the winter, such as food and heat. Workers receive a larger share than other civilians, and factories tend to have electricity if they produce essential goods. The plant also serves as a center of mutual support, and has clinics and other services such as cleaning crews and women's teams that will sew and fix clothes. Factory employees are still pushed into despair on occasions and people are forced to eat glue or horse meat in factories where food is scarce, but factory work is the most consistently successful method of survival, and in some food production plants not one person died.

Opportunities for survival are open to wider Soviet communities including barter and agriculture on private land. The black market is growing rapidly because barter and private trade are becoming more common, especially between soldiers and civilians. The army, which has more food, is eager to trade with civilians who have extra warm clothing to exchange for. Growing vegetable gardens in the spring becomes popular, especially since the citizens can keep all grown in their own plots. The campaign also has a strong psychological effect and boosts morale, the component of survival is almost as important as bread.

Many of the most desperate Soviets turned to crime to support themselves. The most common are food theft and ration cards; this can be fatal for people who are malnourished if their card is stolen more than a day or two before a new card is issued. For these reasons, stealing food is severely punished and a person can be shot just by stealing a loaf of bread. More serious crimes such as murder and cannibalism have also occurred, and special police forces are formed to combat this crime, although at the end of the siege, about 1,500 have been arrested for cannibalism.

United States

In the United States, agriculture and other production are increasing. For example, citizens are encouraged to plant "garden of victory", a private farm that is sometimes cultivated by children. Sociologist Alecea Standlee (2010) argues that during the war, the division of traditional sex work changed somewhat, as the "home" or domestic female domain was expanded to include "home fronts"; while the public domain - the male domain - is redefined as an international stage of military action.


The Philippines belonged to America on the way to independence (scheduled in 1946) and control its own internal affairs. Japan invaded and quickly conquered the islands early in 1942. Japanese military authorities soon began organizing new government structures in the Philippines and establishing the Philippine Executive Commission. They initially organized a State Council, where they directed civil affairs until October 1943, when they declared the Philippines as an independent republic. The second Republic of the Philippines sponsored by Japan led by President Josà ©  © P. Laurel proved ineffective and unpopular because the Japanese maintained very strict control.

The Japanese occupation of the Philippines is opposed by large scale underground and guerrilla activities. The Philippine Army, as well as the remnants of the Far Eastern US Army continue to fight against the Japanese in guerrilla warfare. They formed an additional unit of the United States Army. Their effectiveness is such that at the end of the war, the Japanese occupied only twelve of the forty-eight provinces. One element of resistance in the Central Luzon region was equipped by Hukbalahap, which armed about 30,000 people and extended their control over much of Luzon. Allied and combined American and Filipino troops attacked in 1944-45; fighting for Manila was opposed way by streets with large numbers of civilians killed.

As in the most occupied countries, crime, looting, corruption, and the black market are endemic. With a view to building the economic base of the Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, the Japanese Army envisioned using the islands as a source of agricultural products needed by its industry. For example, Japan has a sugar surplus from Taiwan, and severe cotton shortages, so they try to grow cotton in sugar soils with damaging results. They lack seeds, pesticides, and technical skills to grow cotton. The unemployed peasants came to towns, where there was little help and little work. The Japanese army also tried to use sugar cane for fuel, castor bean and copra for oil, derris for quinine, cotton for uniform, and abaca (rami) for rope. The plan is very difficult to implement in the face of limited skills, crumbling international markets, bad weather, and lack of transportation. The program is a failure that gives very little aid to the Japanese industry, and diverts the resources needed for food production. As reported by Karnow, Filipinos "quickly learned also that 'mutual prosperity' means servitude to the economic requirements of Japan."

Bad living conditions throughout the Philippines during the war. Transportation between islands is difficult due to lack of fuel. Food in short supply, with sporadic disease and epidemic disease

The Japanese tried to eliminate all the influence of Western and American cultures. They face fierce resistance when they try to destroy the Catholic Church by capturing 500 Christian missionaries. The Filipinos feel morally superior to the brutal Japanese and refuse their down payment. Newspapers and media are censored strictly. Japan is trying to reshape schools and impose Japanese language. They form an environmental association to inform the opposition.

English and Commonwealth


Total British mobilization during this period proved successful in winning the war, maintaining strong support from public opinion. War is a "people's war" that enlarges democratic aspirations and generates the promises of the postwar welfare state.

For the military story, see the history of the British Military during World War II.


In the mid-1940s, the Royal Air Force (RAF) was called to fight the Battle of England, but suffered serious losses. It lost 458 aircraft in France - more than current production - and hard pressed. The government decided to concentrate on only five types of aircraft to optimize output. They are: Wellingtons, Whitley Vs, Blenheim, Hurricanes and Spitfires. The aircraft received tremendous priority, which included the supply of materials and equipment and even made it possible to divert from other types of required parts, equipment, materials and manufacturing resources. Workers are transferred from other aircraft jobs to factories involved in the specified type. Cost is not a problem. The delivery of new fighters increased from 256 in April to 467 in September - more than enough to cover losses - and the Fighter Command emerged triumphantly from the Battle of Britain in October with more planes than it had at the beginning. Beginning in 1941, the US provided ammunition through Lend-Lease totaling $ 15.5 billion


Food, clothing, gasoline, leather and other items were rationed. However, fragile items such as fruit are not rationed. Access to luxury goods is severely restricted, although there is also a significant black market. The family also grows "garden of victory", and small home vegetable garden. Many items are conserved for later weapons, such as fats for the production of nitroglycerin. People in rural areas are less affected by rationing because they have greater access to products that are not distributed locally than people in the city, and are better able to grow on their own.

The allotment system, initially based on a certain basket of goods for each consumer, is much better by switching to a point system that allows housewives to make choices based on their own priorities. Food rationing also allows the improvement of the quality of food available, and housewives are approved - except for the absence of white bread and government coercion of the "national flour" of unfavorable wheat flour. Public opinion surveys show that most Britons are happy that rationing brings equality and a guarantee of decent food at affordable costs.


Since the beginning of the war, it is thought that major industrial cities in Britain, especially London, will be attacked by the Luftwaffe; this is indeed the case at The Blitz. Several children were sent to Canada, the United States and Australia, and millions of children and some mothers were evacuated from London and other big cities to safer parts of the country when the war began, under government plans for civilian evacuation, but they often filtered back. When the Blitz bombing began on September 6, 1940, they were evacuated again. The discovery of poor health and cleanliness of the refugees shocked many Britons, and helped prepare the way for the Beveridge Report. Children are evacuated if their parents agree; but in some cases they have no choice. Children are only allowed to bring some items with them, including gas masks, books, money, clothes, ration books and some small toys.

Welfare conditions

The Emergency Hospital Service was established at the beginning of the war, in the hope that it would be necessary to deal with a large number of victims.

A common theme called for the expansion of the welfare state in return for the people for their wartime sacrifices. This was made in a famous report by William Beveridge. It recommends that various forms of aid grew gradually since 1911 were rationalized. Unemployment benefits and disease benefits must be universal. There will be new benefits for maternity. The old-age pension system will be revised and expanded, and requires a person to retire. Full-scale National Health Services will provide free medical care for everyone. All major political parties support these principles, and they are largely in effect when peace comes back.


The theme of equality and dominant sacrifice during the war, and in the memory of war. Historian Jose Harris points out that war was seen at the time and by generations of writers as a period of national unity and extraordinary social solidarity. There was little anti-war sentiment during or after the war. Further, Britain turned more towards the collective welfare state during the war, developing it in the late 1940s and reaching broad consensus that supported it across the party line. However, in the 1970s and 1980s, historians explored the subtle elements of sustainable diversity and conflict in society during the war period. For example, in the first historian stressed that the strike became illegal in July 1940, and there was no union called during the war. Then historians point to many local unofficial strikes, especially in coal mining, shipbuilding, metal trading and engineering, with as many as 3.7 million human days lost in 1944.

BBC correspondents collected 47,000 wartime memories and 15,000 images in 2003-6 and placed them online. The audiobook CD Home Front 1939-45 also contains a selection of period interviews and recording actualities.


Canada joined the war effort on September 10, 1939; the government deliberately waited after the British decision to go to war, in part to show its independence from Britain and partly gave the state additional time to import weapons from the United States as non-hostile parties. War production is enhanced rapidly, and centrally managed through the Ministry of Munitions and Supply. Unemployment fades.

Canada became one of the largest pilot trainers for the Allies through the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. Many Canadian men join the war effort, so with those abroad and industry pushing to increase production, women take positions to aid in the war effort. Employing men in many positions in civilian work is effectively banned later in the war through actions taken under the National Resource Mobilization Act.

Shipyards and repair facilities expanded dramatically as more than a thousand warships and cargo ships were built, along with thousands of additional vessels, small boats and others.

Canada expands food production, but sends so much to Britain that rationing of food should be enforced. In 1942 sent to England 25 percent of total meat production (including 75% pork), 65% cheese and 13% eggs.

Ethnic minorities from enemy countries

20% of Canadians are not from Britain or France, and their status is of special concern. The main objective is to integrate marginalized ethnic Europeans - in contrast to the policy of the First World War camp for the Ukrainians and Germans. In the case of Germany, Italy, and especially Japan, the government closely monitored minorities to show signs of allegiance to their homeland. Fear proved to be unfounded. In February 1942, 21,000 Canadians were collected and sent to internment camps similar to similar camps in the US, as the two governments had agreed in 1941 to coordinate their evacuation policy. Most live in British Columbia, but in 1945 they were released from custody and allowed to move anywhere in Canada except British Columbia, or they could go to Japan. Most go to the Toronto area.


Canadian women responded to urgent requests to be made, recycled and rescued to get the needed supplies. They store fat and fat; collecting recyclables; share information on how best to get the most out of recycled goods; and organizing many other events to reduce the amount of waste. Women-led volunteer organizations are also preparing packages for the military abroad and for prisoners of war in the Axis countries.

With World War II comes an urgent need for employees at work. Without women to enter, the economy will collapse. In the fall of 1944, there were twice as many women working full-time in the Canadian mercenary labor force as in 1939: between 1.0 and 1.2 million; and this does not include part-time workers or women working on farms. "Women must take this intensive workforce and still find time to make jams, clothes, and other voluntary acts to help people abroad.


The government has greatly expanded its powers to further direct the war effort, and Australia's industrial and human resources are focused on supporting the Australian and American armed forces. There were several Japanese attacks, especially in Darwin in February 1942, along with a widespread fear in 1942, that Australia would be attacked.

Australia entered the war in 1939 and sent its troops against Germany in the Middle East (where they succeeded) and Singapore (where they were captured by the Japanese in 1942). In 1943, 37% of Australia's GDP was directed at war effort. The total expenditure of the war reached Ã, Â £ 2,949 million between 1939 and 1945.

Labor Government Curtin took over in October 1941, and energized the war effort, with rationing of fuels, clothing and some rare food. When Japan entered the war in December 1941, danger was imminent, and all women and children were evacuated from Darwin and northern Australia. The Commonwealth government controlled all income taxes in 1942, which gave it a vast new power and greatly reduced the state's financial autonomy. Manufacturing is growing rapidly, with the assembly of high performance weapons and special aircraft. The number of women working in the factory increased from 171,000 to 286,000. The arrival of tens of thousands of Americans is welcomed with relief, because they can protect Australia where England can not. The US sent $ 1.1 billion in Lend Lease, and Australia returned about the same amount in services, food, rental and supplies to America.

New Zealand

New Zealand, with a population of 1.7 million, including 99,000 Maori, was heavily mobilized during the war. The Labor Party is in power and promotes trade unions and welfare states. The armed forces reached 157,000 in September 1942; 135,000 were presented abroad, and 10,100 died. Agriculture expanded, sending supplies of meat, butter and wool to England. When American troops arrived, they were also fed. The country spent Ã, Â £ 574 million for the war, of which 43% came from taxes, 41% of loans and 16% from American Lend Lease. This was an era of prosperity when national income jumped from Ã, Â £ 158 million in 1937 to Ã, Â £ 292 million in 1944. Rationing and price controls made inflation to only 14% during 1939-1945.

Montgomerie pointed out that the war dramatically enhances the role of women, especially married women, in the workforce. Most of them take on traditional women's jobs. Some men were replaced but the changes here were temporary and reversed in 1945. After the war, women abandoned traditional male jobs and many women gave up paid work to return home. There was no radical change in gender roles but the war intensified the trends of work that took place since the 1920s.


During World War II, India was a British colony known as the British Raj. Britain declared war on behalf of India without consulting Indian leaders. This resulted in the resignation of the Congress Ministries.

The UK recruited about 2.5 million Indian volunteers, who played a major role as soldiers in the Middle East, North Africa and Burma in the British Indian Army. India became a major base for British operations against Japan, and for US efforts to support China.

In Bengal, with a local Muslim government elected under British control, cutting rice imports from Burma causes severe food shortages, exacerbated by maladministration. Prices are soaring and millions starving because they can not buy food. In the Bengal famine of 1943, three million people died.

A small anti-British force of some 40,000 people (and some women) was formed in Southeast Asia, the Indian National Army (INA) under Subhas Chandra Bose. It's under the control of the Japanese army and performs poorly in battle. Its members were captured by Indian troops from the British Indian Army who were released from extreme conditions in POW camps by joining the Japanese-sponsored INA. It participates in Battle Of Kohima and Battle of Imphal. In postwar Indian politics, some Indians call them heroes.

The Congress Party in 1942 demanded immediate independence, which Britain rejected. The Congress then demanded Britain immediately "Exit India" in August 1942, but Raj responded immediately to imprisoning tens of thousands of national, state and regional leaders; knocking Congress out of the war. Meanwhile, the Muslim League supports the war effort and gains prestige and membership, as well as British support for its demands for a separate Muslim state (which became Pakistan in 1947).

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a British colony that Japan captured on December 25, 1941, after 18 days of fierce fighting. Conquest is rapid, but followed by days of large-scale looting; more than ten thousand Chinese women were raped or raped by Japanese soldiers. The population split in two, from 1.6 million in 1941 to 750,000 at the end of the war for fleeing refugees; they returned in 1945.

Japan imprisons the ruling British colonial elite and seeks to win over noble local merchants by appointment to advisory boards and environmental watch groups. This policy works well for Japan and generates extensive collaboration of the elite and the middle class, with much less terror than in other Chinese cities. Hong Kong is transformed into a Japanese colony, with Japanese businesses replacing the UK. However, the Japanese Empire experienced severe logistical difficulties and in 1943 the supply of food for Hong Kong became a problem. The gentlemen became more brutal and corrupt, and the Chinese nobles became disillusioned. With Japan's surrender, the transition back to British rule went smoothly, as on the mainland Nationalist and Communist forces were preparing for civil war and ignoring Hong Kong. In the long run the occupation strengthened the pre-war social and economic order among the Chinese business community by eliminating some conflicts of interest and reducing British prestige and power.

The U.S. Homefront in World War II - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com



Germany was not fully mobilized in 1939, or even in 1941. It was not until 1943, under Albert Speer (minister of arms in Reich), whether Germany ultimately directed all of its economy and labor into the production of war. Instead of using all the Germans available, it brought millions of slave workers from the conquered countries, treated them poorly (and earned low productivity in return). The German economy is too small for an all-out war. Hitler's strategy was to transform this with a surprising series of surprises. It failed with the defeat in Russia in 1941 and 1942, and against allied economic forces.

Forced labor

Instead of expanding the economy of occupied countries, the Nazis grabbed portable and railway machines, taking over most of their industrial produce, taking large amounts of food (15% of French production), and forcing victims to pay for their military work.

The Nazis forced 15 million people to work in Germany (including POW); many died of poor living conditions, maltreatment, malnutrition, and capital punishment. At its peak, forced labor comprised 20% of the German workforce and was an important part of the German economic exploitation of the conquered territories. They are mainly concentrated in ammunition and agriculture. For example, 1.5 million French soldiers were detained in POW camps in Germany as hostages and forced labor, and in 1943, 600,000 French civilians were forced to move to Germany to work in war factories.


Although Germany has about twice the UK population (80 million versus 40 million), Germany must use more labor to provide food and energy. The UK imports food and employs only one million people (5% of the workforce) on farms, while Germany uses 11 million (27%). For Germany to build twelve synthetic oil plants with a capacity of 3.3 million tons per year requires 2.4 million tons of structural steel and 7.5 million human working days. (England imports all its oil from Iraq, Persia and North America). To solve this problem, Germany employed millions of forced and POW labor; in 1944, they had brought in more than five million civilian workers and nearly two million prisoners of war - a total of 7.13 million foreign workers.


The allotment in Germany was introduced in 1939 immediately after the outbreak of hostilities. Hitler was initially convinced that it would affect public support for the war if a rigorous allotment program was introduced. The Nazis were popular in part because Germany was relatively prosperous, and Hitler did not want to lose popularity or confidence. Hitler felt that food and other shortcomings had been a major factor in destroying civilian spirit during World War I, which led to defeat and surrender.

Despite the sum, civilians have enough food and clothing; watched Howard K. Smith later wrote that "[f] or people involved in the war live and die... the Germans during the two years of the war ate very well." Meat rations, for example, are 500 g per week per person. After the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, however, this changed to 400 g per week, then dropped further. Estimating that the ration of meat had fallen by 80% in the five-month battle in Russia, and quoted many other sudden changes in living conditions, Smith wrote that by the time he left Germany in late 1941, "for the first time.... malnutrition ". This system provides additional rations for men involved in heavy industry, and very low hunger rations for Jews and Poles in German-occupied areas, but not for Poles in Germany, many of whom are imported to do hard work in the German war. industry.

Menurut posting 1997 oleh Walter Felscher ke mailing list "Memories of the 1940s":

For everyone, there are ration cards for general food, meat, fat (such as butter, margarine and oil) and tobacco products distributed every month. The cards are printed on solid paper, containing many small "Marken" sections printed with value - for example, from "5 g Butter" to "100 g Butter". Each acquisition of a ration item requires a corresponding "Marken", and if one wants to eat a certain soup at a restaurant, the waiter will take the scissors and cut the items needed to make the soup and the amount listed on the menu. In the evenings, the restaurant owner will spend an hour at least sticking the "Marken" collected into large sheets of paper which they must then hand over to the authorities.

The ration is enough to live, but certainly does not allow luxury. Whipped cream is unknown from 1939 to 1948, as well as chocolate, cakes with rich cream, etc. Meat is not eatable every day. Other items are not rationed, but only become unavailable because they must be imported from abroad: especially coffee, which is entirely replaced with a substitute made from grilled beans. Local vegetables and fruits are not rationed; imported citrus fruits and bananas are not available. In rural areas, farmers continue to bring their products to market, as big cities rely on long-distance shipments. Many people raise rabbits for their meat when it becomes rare in stores, and it is often the task of children to take care of them every day.

In the spring of 1945, the distribution of food and ration systems collapsed, due to the insurmountable transportation disruption and the rapid advance of Allied forces from the west and east with the loss of food storage facilities. In Berlin, at the beginning of the Battle of Berlin, authorities declared a special additional food ration on April 20, 1945. It consisted of pounds (450 g) of bacon or sausage, half pound of rice, half a pound of peas or beans, a pound of sugar, four ounces 110 g) a coffee substitute, an ounce of original coffee, and a can of vegetables or fruit. They also announced that the allocation of standard food rations for the next two weeks can be claimed earlier. Additional allocation of rations dubbed by Berliner Himmelfahrtsrationen, Increase Ration, "because with this ration we will now ascend to heaven"


Germany has a very large and well-organized nursing service, with three main organizations, one for Catholics, one for Protestantism, and DRK (Red Cross). In 1934, the Nazis established their own nursing unit, Brown nurse, who absorbed one of the smaller groups, up to 40,000 members. It establishes kindergarten in competition with other nursing organizations, hoping to master the minds of younger Germans. Civilian psychiatric nurses who were members of the Nazi party participated in the killing of the disabled, though this was covered by euphemism and rejection.

Military care is mainly handled by the DRK, which is under partial Nazi control. Front-line medical services are provided by male doctors and medical personnel. The Red Cross nurses serve extensively in military medical services, hospital staff who are forced to close to the front lines and at the risk of bomb attacks. Two dozen were awarded the prestigious Iron Cross for heroism under fire. They are among 470,000 German women serving with the military.

People moved

The German conquest of 1945 liberated 11 million foreigners, called "displaced people" (DP) - mainly forced labor and prisoners of war. In addition to POW, Germany seized 2.8 million Soviet workers to work in factories in Germany. Returning them home is a top priority for the Allies. However, in the case of Russia and Ukraine again often means suspicion or imprisonment or even death. UNRRA, the Red Cross and military operations provide food, clothing, shelter, and help to return home. Overall, 5.2 million were repatriated to the Soviet Union, 1.6 million to Poland, 1.5 million to France, and 900,000 to Italy, along with 300,000 to 400,000 each to Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, Hungary and Belgium.


In 1944-45, more than 2.5 million ethnic Germans fled from Eastern Europe in family groups, desperately hoping to reach Germany before being defeated by Russia. Half a million people died in the process, the victims were herded into refugee camps in East and West Germany for many years. Meanwhile, Moscow encourages its troops to consider German women a target for revenge. Russian Marshal Georgi Zhukov called on his troops to "Remember our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers, our wives and children were tortured to death by the Germans.... We will take revenge brutally for everything." More than two million women in Germany were raped in 1945 in a wave of plunder, arson and revenge.


The front of the Japanese house is complex, block-by-block, with full-scale food rationing and plenty of control over the workforce. The government uses massive propaganda and is planned in detail on labor mobilization, identification of critical points, food supply, logistics, airborne shelters, and evacuation of children and civilians from targeted cities. The food supply was very tight before the heavy bombardment began in the fall of 1944, then developed into a crisis. There was only a slight increase from the 1.4 million women who entered the workforce between 1940 and 1944. The welfare minister declared, "To secure the workforce, the enemy is putting together women, but in Japan, out of consideration for the family, the system, we will not compile it. "

The weakness in the maximum utilization of female labor was demonstrated by the presence of 600,000 domestic workers in wealthy families in 1944. The government wants to raise the birthrate, even with 8.2 million men in the armed forces, of whom three million are killed. Government incentives help raise the rate of marriage, but the number of births remains stable at around 2.2 million per year, with a 10% decrease in 1944-45, and another 15% decline in 1945-46. Tighter tightening of milk causes a smaller baby. There is little or no long-term impact on Japan's overall demographic profile.

The government began to make evacuation plans by the end of 1943, and began moving schools from industrial cities to rural areas, where they were safe from bombings and had better access to food supplies. In all 1.3 million children were moved - with their teachers but not their parents. When the American bombardment began in late 1944, 10 million people fled to towns to rural security, including two-thirds of the city's largest population and 87% of children. Disadvantaged are ammunition workers and government officials. By April 1945, 87% of the younger children had been relocated to the countryside.

Civil defense units are converted into combat units, particularly Volunteer Resistance Corps, enrolling civilian men up to age 60 and women up to age 40. Beginning in January 1945, the government undertook an intensive training program to enable the entire civilian population to wage war. "decisive battle" with American invaders using grenades, blast launchers and bamboo spears. Everyone understood they might die in what the government calls "Grand Suicide of the One Hundred Million." The health condition became much worse after surrender in September 1945, with so much housing stocks destroyed, and an additional 6.6 million Japanese people being repatriated from Manchuria, China, Indochina, Formosa, Korea, Saipan and the Philippines.


Agricultural production on the islands of the house survived well during the war until the bombing began. It fell from index 110 in 1942 to 84 in 1944 and only 65 in 1945. Worse, imports dried up. The Japanese food rationing system was effective during the war, and there was no serious malnutrition incident. A government survey in Tokyo showed that in 1944 the family relied on the black market for 9% of their rice, 38% of their fish, and 69% of their vegetables. However, Japan's domestic food supplies rely on imports, most of which are cut off by submarine campaigns and American bombings. Likewise there is little deep sea fishing, so the fish rations in 1941 were mostly squid harvested from coastal waters. The result is a growing food scarcity, especially in cities. There were some malnutrition but no famine was reported. Although there is a share of food from the government, some families are forced to spend more than their monthly income to buy food on the black market. They will rely on savings or exchange food for clothing or other items.


American air bombings from a total of 65 Japanese cities take from 400,000 to 600,000 civilian lives, with 100,000 in Tokyo alone, over 200,000 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. The Battle of Okinawa resulted in 80,000-150,000 civilian deaths. In addition to civilian deaths among settlers who died trying to return to Japan from Manchuria in the winter of 1945 may be about 100,000. The total number of Japanese military casualties between 1937 and 1945 was 2.1 million; most come in the final year of the war and are caused by hunger or severe malnutrition in garrisons that are disconnected from supplies.

Conditions at the end of the war

Health and life conditions deteriorated after surrender in September 1945. Most of the housing stock in major cities was destroyed, like refugees trying to return from rural areas. Adding to the crisis is an inflow of 3.5 million returnees and 3.1 million Japanese civilians forced to be repatriated from Imperial posts in Manchuria, China, Indochina, Formosa, Korea, Saipan and the Philippines; about 400,000 civilians were left behind and not heard from again. Meanwhile, 1.2 million Koreans, POWs and other non-Japanese leave Japan. The government implemented a pro-natalist policy, which led to an increase in marriage rates, but the birth rate remained stable until they dropped 10% in the last years of war, and another 15% during the difficult post-war period. period.

The American bombing campaign from all major cities has had an impact on the economy, as well as the growing shortages of oil and raw materials as Japanese merchant ships are largely submerged by American submarines. When industrial production was available for the military, for example, 24 percent of Japan's final steel in 1937 was allocated to the military, compared with 85 percent in 1945. By the end of the war, the percent output of the highest capacity was still 100 percent for steel, although only 75 percent aluminum, 63 percent for machine tools, 42 percent for vacuum tubes, 54 percent cement, 32 percent cotton cloth, and 36 percent for wool.

Authentic World War II Pictures - American Home Front
src: www.mostfreebies.com


Severe food shortages are common in all war zones, especially in Europe where Germany uses hunger as a military weapon. Japan did not use it as a deliberate policy, but the disruption of its transport system and its distribution led to hunger and starvation among its troops on many Pacific islands. Bose (1990) studied three major Asian disasters that occurred during the war: Bengal in India, Honan in China, and Tonkin in Vietnam. In every famine, at least two million people died. They all occur in densely populated provinces where the foundations of agricultural subsystems fail under demographic and market pressure. In every case, hunger plays a role in undermining the legitimacy of the state and its pre-existing social structure.

World War II Photos | National Archives
src: www.archives.gov


Source of the article : Wikipedia
