Kamis, 14 Juni 2018

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src: www.outdoorproject.com

Castle Lake is a glacial lake (lake or lake) located in the Trinity Mountains, in Siskiyou County, northern California It is west of Mount Shasta City and the peak of Mount Shasta.

The lake's water channel flows into Castle Lake Creek, and then into the Siskiyou Lake reservoir, part of the Sacramento River upstream. Almost all 47 hectares of lakes (19 ha) are in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest. The walkway from Castle Lake to the adjacent Castle Crags Wilderness area, and to Castle Crags State Park, including the pathway to Little Castle Lake and Heart Lake. Fishing, camping and hiking are also available on or near the lake.

Video Castle Lake (California)

Natural history Edit

Castle Lake and the surrounding area contain a wide variety of animals and plants including trout, bears, deer, beavers, frogs, and osprey. This area is also famous for displaying early summer flowers, including red Columbine ( Aquilegia truncata ), fawn lily ( Erythronium sp. ), and Shasta pentstemon ( Pentstemon laetus ).

Castle Lake is also home to the Castle Lake Limnological Research Station affiliated with the University of California at Davis (UC Davis), which uses the site to study and teach limnology courses (in conjunction with the University of Nevada, Reno).

Maps Castle Lake (California)

Recreation Edit

The lake is usually reached by driving along about 7 miles (11 km) from Lake Siskiyou. About 3 m (4.8 km) from the lake, along this road, there are Ney Springs and Faery Falls. Ney Springs is the site of the historic Ney Springs Resort, a 19th-century resort based on the springs there; The resort is one of a number of popular resorts such as Siskiyou County, including Upper Soda Springs, and Shasta Springs. The short climb path leads to near Faery Falls, where Ney Springs Creek falls nearly 60Ã, ft (18 m) below cliff cliffs, forming a clear pool at the bottom.

About a quarter of a mile (400 m) north of Castle Lake is a campground with 6 first come, first-served campsites. In the lake itself, fishing and picnicking, as well as seeing the life of local plants, wildlife and scenery, are common activities. The water of the lake can be cool, so swimming is generally limited in summer. Kayaks, paddle boats and rafting are available on the lake. In winter, in addition to cross-country skiing and snowshoeing along the road in the area, the lake will become ice and ice fishing is a common activity.

From the parking area on the lake, a mile and a half (1 km) wind trail along the north and west shore of the lake, ends on the granite face of the headwall, which forms the southern coast. Along the way, pedestrians will pass the Castle Castle Limitation Research Station.

Following the east coast, Little Castle Lake Trail leaves the parking lot, and then climbs the adjacent ridge; about 1 mile (1.6 km) along this path is Little Castle Lake, a small glacial spear that is reached by past the wildflower meadows early in the summer. Little Castle Lake is within the Castle Crags Wilderness Area. Heart Lake, another small tarning, located above the top of Castle Lake, can also be reached via an informal shortcut from Little Castle Lake Trail.

At this point, the famous Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail is one-half mile (1 km) away, just above Trinity Divide. The Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail extends from Mexico to Canada, following the highest part of the Sierra Nevada, Klamath Mountains and Cascade Mountains and aligning the Pacific Ocean at 100 to 150 miles (160 to 240 kilometers).

The Little Castle Lake Trail continues into Mt. Bradley, a locally famous mountain with views of Mount Shasta, overlooks Dunsmuir, California, and the Upper Sacramento river canyon. Along the way, the trail joins the connection network to Castle Crags State Park.

src: cdn1.freshoffthegrid.com

Formation Edit

The origins of lakes dated to the Pleistocene Era (over 10,000 years ago) when glaciers carved hollows on the lake's current location. During that era, much of North America was glaciated. Castle Lake is a typical glacier lake (or tarn), reaching a depth of up to 110 feet (34 m) near the south, granite from lakeshore ( cirque face ). There is a moraine terminal of stone and gravel that forms a natural dam across the surface of the cirque along the northeast coast of the lake, where there is an outlet, and the lake has a depth of 10 to 15 feet (3.0 to 4.6 meters).

Cirque where Castle Lake is found is a classic cirque of the northern hemisphere. The (the highest part of the mountain on which the glaciers begin to form) is in the south or southwest, and the mountain section slopes down to the northeast away from the prevailing winds. The resulting shaded area is protected from direct sunlight, and from the volatile wind effect. This condition pushes snow that falls in winter to stay throughout summer and fall, creating year-round snow packs that grow deeper each year.

During the initial glacial formation, the snow turns into glacial ice as snowflakes during the year are increased and deepened. The nivation process is followed (where the hole on the slope is magnified by freezing and frozen glacial erosion). As the cavity enlarges and is filled with snow and ice, rock debris (or up) contained in glacial ice also begins to erode the surface of the bedrock - as glacial ice moves down the slope, it has a "sandpaper effect" on the bedrock it scratches.

Ultimately, the basin is a large bowl on the side of the mountain, with its outer parts punctured by freezing and constant liquefaction, and eroded by picking. Basin becomes deeper (especially in the base of the headwall) as it continues to be eroded by abrasion.

When the current warming period begins, the glaciers retreat and eventually melt completely. It leaves the shape of the bowl, the deepest in the base of the headwall where the glacial ice is the deepest and the rudest. The shape of the bowl extends to the northeastern edge, where there is a moraine terminal of small stones and debris that has been kept by glaciers. When the bowl-shaped crater is filled with water, this moraine terminal acts as a natural dam, helping to hold water in the newly formed cirque lake.

src: heartsarefound.org

History Edit

Castle Lake is within the reach of the Okwanuchu tribe, one of a number of Shastan-speaking Native Americans, closely related to the larger adjacent Shasta tribe. The Okwanuchu area is occupied near Mount Shasta, including nearby towns today Mount Shasta and Dunsmuir, California, and the Sacramento River Valley over (among other areas). The Okwanuchu are speakers of the older Hokan language speakers, with archaeological sites linked to their ranks that existed since 5000 years ago. However, members of a language-speaking language tribe, Wintu, who arrived in northern central California about 1200 years ago, competed with their Hokan-language neighbors, and expanded the Wintu region. It was not clear at first contact with non-Native Americans in the 1820s that the tribe lived closest to Castle Lake. Little or no information is available about the use or conviction of Native Americans about Castle Lake; for example, Castle Lake is not mentioned in the collection of fairy tales and Wintu legends.

The first Native Americans to pass through Castle Castle are hunters and trappers of the Hudson's Bay Company, which began down the Siskiyou Path from present-day Washington to California controlled Mexico, in the late 1820s and early 1830s. , to search for beavers and other animals. At about the same time, Ewing Young leads the first group of Americans up the Siskiyou Trail, passing near Castle Lake. In 1841, a United States expedition expedition, the first cartographers and scientists came through the area. After California's annexation by the United States in 1848 as a result of the Mexican-American War, Castle Lake was under the control of the US Federal Government as a public land.

In 1855, an area near Castle Lake, now known as Battle Rock, is a battleground between Native Americans and residents of the Gold-Rush era of California. Poet Joaquin Miller wrote the first-hand account of this battle, The Battle of Castle Crags, where Miller took part in the fight, and received an arrow wound through the cheeks and jaws. This battle is reportedly the final battle between Native Americans and settlers where Native Americans fought exclusively with bows and arrows.

With the development of, first, the US "Forest Reserve" system in the late 19th century, and then the organization of US National Forests at the beginning of the 20th century, Castle Lake was under the auspices of the U.S. Forest Service. Relationship between U.C. Davis and Castle Lake began in 1957, with the first extensive study conducted on the lake, followed by the construction of Castle Lakes Limitations Research Station. Archived from the original on 2010-09-01. itself.

src: static.rootsrated.com

Animal life Edit

Humans introduced fish to lakes in the 1930s for sport fishing, including rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), trout brook ( Salvelinus fontinalis ), and golden shiner ( Notemigonus crysoliecas ). The last trout was released to Castle Lake in 2008 by the Department of Fish and Wildlife California but the fishing fish fillings have stopped due to concerns of other species (ie, threatened or endangered). Charcoal charcoal is also initially stocked but has now become self-contained, and reproduces naturally in springs found on the eastern side of the lake. Golden shiner is a small fish bait fish that is likely placed on the lake by anglers who leave the rest of their bait in the lake. Fish bait on zooplankton and insects; The fish are then eaten by predators around the lake, especially the osprey ( piazione haliaetus ). Other birds in this area include the bald eagle ( Haliaectus leucoephalus ), golden eagle ( Aquila chrysaetos ), peregrine eagle ( Falco peregrinus ), wood duck ( sponsa ), belted kingfisher ( Megaceryle alcyon ), jay Steller ( Cyanocitta stellere ), and dinky mane ( Dendragapus fuliginosus ).

Reptiles and amphibians around the lake, including rough-skinned lizards ( Taricha granulosa ), Cascades ( Rana cascadae ) and snake garter ( Thamnophis sirtalis ) , feed also on insects and young fish (among other prey). Many mammals can be found around the lake and in adjacent wilderness areas, national forests, and parks. These include black bear (Ursus americanus), black deer (Odocoileus hemionus), river otters (Lutra canadensis ), black-tailed rabbit (lepus californicus), and mountain lions (also known as "cougars" or "puma") ( Puma concolor ). Cougars in castle lakes are sometimes known to squat in the bushes and keep an eye on humans, their eyes shining in the moonlight. No attacks were recorded.

src: www.cross-country-trips.com

Plant life Edit

Although the lake (at an altitude of 5,574 feet (1,699 m)) and the surrounding area is well below the local tree line (eg, near Mount Shasta, the tree line is about 7,900 feet (2,400 m)), because of the high granite concentrations and steep slopes which is often steep, vegetation in lakes and in areas can vary greatly, from dense mixed forests near and below the lake to the emergence of almost-alpine conditions above the lake.

In and below the lake, ponderosa pine forest (red ponderosa pin), red fir (Abies Magnifica ), white pine ( Abies Concolor i>), lodgepole pine ( Pinus Contorda ), cedar incense ( Libocedrus decurrens ) and alder can be found. Alder plays a very important role, since alder forms a symbiosis with Actinobacteria binders of nitrogen ( Frankiella alni ). These bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into soluble nitrates in soil that can be utilized by alder, and advantageously increase soil fertility in general. Alders are beneficial to other plants growing nearby by taking nitrogen from the air and storing it on the ground in usable form; the falling alder leaves make very rich compost. Picea breweriana is in some small locations on the frozen slopes behind the lake. Other fallen trees at lower altitudes in the area may include species such as maple bigleaf, maple wine, black oak and dogwood pacific.

At higher altitudes above the lake (especially in rocky or open locations), pine and pine forests are thinner, and trees grow in a more stunted way; instead, shrubs and bushes, such as green manzanita (Arctostaphylos patula), dwarf mountain manzanita ( Arctostaphylos neuadensis ), and tan oak ( Lithocarpus densiflorus ) find areas and niches to grow.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
