A ha-ha is a hidden landscape design element that creates a vertical barrier while maintaining an uninterrupted landscape scene.
The designs include sloping slopes that tilt down into sharp vertical faces, usually stone retaining walls. Ha-has is used in landscape design to prevent access to gardens, eg by grazing cattle, without blocking sight. In security design, these elements are used to block vehicle access to the site while minimizing visual interference.
An unusual name "ha-ha" is supposed to come from a surprise call by people who come to them as walls designed to be invisible.
Video Ha-ha
Prior to mechanical lawnmowers, a common way to keep large areas of grassland pruned is to allow cattle, usually sheep, to graze the grass. Ha-ha prevents grazing animals in large plantations from gaining access to lawns and gardens adjacent to the house, providing a continuous vista to create the illusion that the park and the landscape are one and undivided.
The basic design of the concave trenches is of ancient origin, being a feature of Deer Park in England. The deer or saltatorium consists of a moat with a steep side overcome by a pale (wooden picket fence) or hedge, which allows the deer to enter the garden but does not leave. From the time of Norman's conquest Britain the right to build deer deer was given by the king, with reservations made for fossil or trench depth and pale heights or fences. In Dartmoor, the deer is known as "leapyeat".
The ha-ha concept comes from France, with a proven term in the toponym in New France of 1686 (as seen today in Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!), And characterizes the parks of ChÃÆ' à ¢ teau de Meudon, circa 1700. Technical innovations are presented in Dezallier d'Argenville La thÃÆ' à © orie et la pratique du jardinage (1709), which by architect John James (1712) is translated into English:
The iron grill is an indispensable ornament in the running line, to broaden the view, and to show the country for profit. Today we often make a holistic view, called Ah, Ah, which is a wall opening, without a grill, to a very good level, with a big and deep trench at their feet, lined up on both sides to support the earth. , and prevent redirects; who surprised the eye after approaching him, and made people laugh, Ha! Ha! from which name. This sort of opening is haha, on some occasions, to be preferred, because it's not at all intrusive to prospects, like grill bars do.
The etymology of this term is generally given as a surprise expression - someone says "ha ha" or "ah! Ah!" when they find such a feature. This is the explanation given in French, which is traditionally associated with Louis, Grand Dauphin, to confront features such as Meudon, by d'Argenville (trans. James), above, and by Walpole, who suspect that the name originated from the responses of ordinary people when they meet and that they "... then it is considered so astounding, that ordinary people call them Ha! Has! to express their surprise in finding a sudden and invisible check into their path." Thomas Jefferson, describing the park in Stowe after his visit in April 1786, also used the term with an exclamation mark: "The full binding of ha! Ha!"
In the UK, ha-ha is a feature of landscaped gardens laid out by Charles Bridgeman and William Kent and is an essential component of Brown's Brown's "sweeping" view. Horace Walpole contributed Bridgeman with the discovery of ha-ha but was unaware of his previous French origins.
The adjoining ground from the dormed garden that is drowned should be aligned with the grass inside; and the garden must in turn be exempt from its primitive order, that he may associate with the wild country without.
During his excavations at Iona in the period 1964-1984, Richard Reece discovered an 18th-century ha-ha designed to protect monasteries from livestock. Ice houses are sometimes built into ha-ha walls because they provide smooth entrances that make the ice house structures less intrusive, and the soil provides additional insulation.
Maps Ha-ha
Most of the time, ha-has still been found in home soil and grand country plantations. They raise cattle and sheep outside formal gardens, without the need for a protruding fence. They vary in depth from about 0.6 m (2 feet) (Horton House) to 2.7 m (9 ft) (Petworth House).
An unusually long example is the ha-ha that separates the Royal Artillery Barracks from Woolwich Common in south east London. The deep ha-ha was installed around 1774 to prevent sheep and cattle, grazing on a stopover at Woolwich Common on their way to the London meat market, from wandering into the reach of the Royal Artillery cannon. A rare feature of the east-west ha-ha is that the usually hidden brick wall appears above the ground for the final 75 meters (70 meters) or more like the ground falls to the west, revealing the smooth dough to the brick wall of the wall, so exposed. The last western part of ha-ha forms the Gatehouse boundary by James Wyatt RA. Royal Artillery ha-ha is maintained in good preservation conditions by the Department of Defense. This is the Registered Building, and is accompanied by Ha-Ha Road that runs along its length. There's a shorter ha-ha in the nearby Jacobean Charlton House yard.
In Australia, ha-has also been used in Victorian-era psychiatric hospitals such as Yarra Bend Asylum, Beechworth Asylum, and Kew Lunatic Asylum. From inside, the walls show a high face to the patient, preventing them from escaping, while from the outside they look low so do not advise the prison. For the patients themselves, standing in front of the moat, it also allows them to see the wider landscape. Kew Asylum has been rebuilt as an apartment; But some ha-remains, although some are filled.
- Variations of ha-ha are used in Australian mental hospitals
Ha-has is also used in North America. Only two historic installations are left in Canada, one of which is on top of Uniacke Nova Scotia (1813) house, a rural area built by Richard John Uniacke, an Irish-born Attorney General Nova Scotia.
The use of ha-ha in the 21st century is at the Washington Monument to minimize the visual impact of security measures. After 9/11 and other unrelated terror threats on the monument, the authorities installed a jersey barrier to prevent large vehicles approaching the monument. The temporary barriers are then replaced with new ha-ha, 0.76 m (30 inch) low granite rock walls that combine lighting and duplicate as seat seats. It received the 2005 Park/Landscape Award of Merit.
Personal injury
Due to the hidden nature of the ha-ha it can lead to potential injury to the public because its initial design is not visible. This allows residents of houses or other buildings in the ground to enjoy clear and unkempt landscapes.
Trust of Hopetoun House Preservation
In 2008 while participating in a guide to observe bats at night, a street participant suffered a severe fracture to the ankle after falling off the ha-ha wall while walking back to the parking lot.
Successful personal injury claims in the region of £ 35,000 have been designated as judges who hear cases deemed to be a dangerous man-made feature and up to the defenders to highlight the invisible dangers presented.
Chief Judge QC chairman Alastair Campbell said he considered the wall of ha-ha to be beyond the scope of the law for obvious dangers such as cliffs or canals in which an occupant is not required to take precautions against an injured person. This is because it becomes an unusual man-made feature, that the public will be very unaware of its existence, especially in the vast grounds.
Manor House
In 2014, a wedding guest at the nobleman's house injures themselves as they walk across the manor park. They fall from ha-ha and replace their right tibia and fibula bones, which require surgery and open surgical fixation. Guest carries a successful personal injury claim. It was investigated by the environmental health department, who agreed that the area should have been burning in some way to avoid this kind of accident.
The defendants in the case of litigation quickly acknowledged responsibility for the incident, and decided to roughly Ã, à £ 10,000. This was followed by a radical change in signposting and lighting around ha-ha to inform visitors about its whereabouts.
Preventive ha-ha
Sunbury Park
Emergency repairs to the ha-ha wall at Sunbury Park in Spelthorne occurred in 2009, after the council realized that they would be responsible for injuries or deaths caused by the wall of ha-ha.
The surrounding vegetation is removed two years before the work opens the ha-ha to the public. But environmental services are made aware that ha-ha is in a state of disrepair, and without proper warning signs.
Early attempts to raise funds from inheritance lottery funds were abandoned, after it was realized that immediate improvements and pending funding would delay the project, potentially exposing the board to legal claims and liability for injury.
Total repair costs are estimated to be around Ã, à £ 65,000; Environmental services accounted for Ã, à £ 9,000, and the rest of the funds were taken from the capital money.
Dalzell Estate
By 2016, Ha-Ha's wall in the Dalzell area was soon repaired after it became unsafe after the rock collapsed. The Council's Environmental Services Committee is concerned about potential liability and personal injury claims and requests the help of volunteers and staff from local charities to repair the ha-ha wall inside the plantation.
The improvement project receives funds from key environmental funds and inheritance funds through Clyde and Avon Valley Landscape Partnership.
See also
- Cattle Guard
- Moat
- Royal Crescent, Bath, England
- Retaining wall
Source of the article : Wikipedia