Sabtu, 09 Juni 2018

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A dental restoration or dental filling is a treatment to restore function, integrity, and morphology of tooth structure lost due to external caries or trauma and to the replacement of structures supported by dental implants. They consist of two broad types - directly and indirect - and are further classified by location and size. Root canal filling, for example, is a recovery technique used to fill the space where the dental pulp is normally located.

Video Dental restoration

Gear preparation

Getting the teeth back into good shape and function requires two steps: (1) preparing the tooth for material placement or restorative material, and (2) placement of these materials. The preparatory process usually involves cutting the teeth with a handpiece of the tooth and tooth gear to make room for the planned restoration material and to remove tooth decay or structurally unfit tooth parts. If permanent restoration can not be done immediately after dental preparation, temporary restoration can be done.

Teeth ready, ready for the placement of restorative materials, commonly called dental preparations . The materials used may be gold, amalgam, dental composites, glass ionomer cement, or porcelain, among others. Preparation may be intracoronal or extracoronal. Intraconal preparations are those that hold the restorative material within the confines of the crown structure of the tooth. Examples include all cavity preparation classes for composites or amalgam as well as for gold and porcelain inlays. Intracoronal preparations are also made as recipients of women to receive male components from partially removable partial dentures. The extracoronal preparations provide the core or base on which the restorative material will be placed to bring the tooth back to the functional and aesthetic structure. Examples include crowns and onlays, as well as veneers.

In preparing the teeth for recovery, a number of considerations will determine the type and level of preparation. The most important factor to consider is decay. For the most part, the extent of damage will determine the extent of preparation, and in turn, the subsequent methods and materials appropriate for restoration.

Another consideration is the unsupported tooth structure. When preparing tooth to receive restoration, unsupported enamel is removed to allow for more predictable restoration. While enamel is the most difficult substance in the human body, it is very fragile, and email fractures are not supported easily.

Maps Dental restoration

Direct restoration

This technique involves placing the soft or soft into the prepared teeth and building the teeth. The material is then set hard and the tooth is restored. The advantage of direct restoration is that they are usually set quickly and can be placed in a single procedure. Dentists have a variety of different charging options to choose from. Decisions are usually made based on where the location and severity of the cavity are related. Because the material is needed to regulate when in contact with the teeth, limited energy (heat) is passed to the tooth of the regulatory process.

Dental Restorations | Brentwood Dentist

Indirect Restoration

In this technique restorations are made outside the mouth using dental implants prepared teeth. Common indirect restorations include inlays and onlays, crowns, bridges, and veneers. Usually dental technicians make indirect restorations of the dentists' records that have been provided. Finished restorations are usually permanently bonded with cement gear. This is often done in two separate visits to the dentist. Indirect restoration is commonly done using gold or ceramics.

While indirect restorations are being prepared, proactive/temporary recovery is sometimes used to cover prepared teeth to help maintain adjacent dental tissue.

Deceased teeth (especially dentures) are sometimes regarded as indirect teeth restorations, as they are made to replace missing teeth. There are many types of precision attachments (also known as joint restorations) to help detach prosthetic adhesions to teeth, including magnets, clips, hooks, and implants that can be seen as forms of dental restorations.

The CEREC method is a CAD/CAM restoration procedure in addition to a chair. The optical impression of a prepared tooth is taken using the camera. Furthermore, specialized software takes digital images and turns them into 3D virtual models on a computer screen. Ceramic blocks that match the color of the teeth are placed in the milling machine. All-ceramic restoration, colored teeth finished and ready for bonding in place.

Another fabrication method is to import original CAD and STL CAD files into CAD/CAM software products that guide users through the manufacturing process. The software can select equipment, machining sequences and cutting conditions that are optimized for certain types of materials, such as titanium and zirconium, and for certain prostheses, such as copings and bridges. In some cases, the intricate nature of some implants requires the use of a 5-axis machining method to accomplish each part of the job.

Composite Resin Restoration | Ivoclar Vivadent Inc., Coltene, 3M ...

Restoration classification

Greene Vardiman Black classifies patches depending on the size and location.

  • Class I Caries affects the pits and fissures, on the occlusal, buccal, and lingual surfaces of the molar and premolar, and the palatal from the maxillary incisors.
  • Class II caries affects the proximal surface of the molar and premolar.
  • Class III caries affects the proximal surface of the center, lateral, and cuscus.
  • Class IV caries that affect the proximal including the incisal edges of the anterior teeth.
  • Class V caries affects the 1/3 gingiva of the facial or lingual surface of the anterior or posterior tooth.
  • Class VI caries affects the tip of the molar, premolar, and cuspids cusps.

My Class I Amalgam dental restoration carving - YouTube

Materials used

These casting alloys are mostly used for making crowns, bridges and dentures. Titanium, usually purely commercial but sometimes 90% alloy, is used as an anchor for dental implants because it is biocompatible and can integrate into bone.

Precious metal alloys
  • gold (high purity: 99.7%)
  • gold alloy (with high gold content)
  • gold platinum alloy
  • silver palladium alloy
Basic metal alloy
  • cobalt-chrome alloy
  • nickel-chrome alloy
  • amalgam silver or "conventional" dental amalgam (65% Silver (min), 29% Tin (max), 6% Copper (max), 2% Zinc (max), 3% Mercury (max))
  • High copper amalgam tooth (40% Silver (min), 32% Lead (max), 30% Copper (max), 2% Zinc (max), 3% Mercury (max))

The composition of the alloy powder is controlled by the ISO Standard for dental amalgam alloys to control properties, such as corrosion and expansion settings.

Amalgam teeth are widely used because of the ease of fabrication of plastic materials into rigid direct fillings, completed in single designation, with acceptable strength, hardness, corrosion, and toxicity properties. It further forgives the preparation and technique of the composite resin used for that purpose. High copper amalgam teeth are preferred over conventional dental amalgams because they have better corrosion resistance and are less susceptible to creep. Amalgam is now mainly used for posterior teeth. Although mercury in the preserved amalgam is not available as free mercury, its toxicity has been present since the discovery of amalgam as a dental material. It is prohibited or restricted in Norway, Sweden and Finland. See Amalgam Dental Controversy.

Direct Gold
  • Gold

Although rarely used, due to special training costs and requirements, gold foil can be used for direct dental restorations.

Composite resin

Dental composites, also called "white patches", are a group of restorative materials used in dentistry. Crowns and in-lays can be made in the laboratory of dental composites. These materials are similar to those used in direct fillings and colored teeth. Their strength and endurance are not as high as porcelain or metal restorations and they are more prone to wear and discoloration. Like other composite materials, dental composites typically comprise a resin-based matrix, containing modified methacrylate or acrylate. Two commonly used monomer examples include bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate (BISMA) and urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA), together with tri-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGMA). TEGMA is a comonomer that can be used to control viscosity, because GMA Buses are large molecules with high viscosity, for easier clinical management. Inorganic fillers such as silica, quartz or glass, are added to reduce the polymerization shrinkage by occupying the volume and to confirm the radio opacity of the product due to the translucency in the property, which may be helpful in the diagnosis of dental caries around dental restorations. Filler particles provide composite wear resistance as well. The compositions vary greatly, with a special mixture of resin forming the matrix, as well as the filling glass and ceramic glass being engineered. A coupling agent such as silane is used to enhance the bond between the resin matrix and the filler particles. The initiator package initiates the resin polymerization reaction when external energy (light/heat, etc.) is applied. For example, camphorquinone may be attracted by visible blue light with a critical wavelength of 460-480 nm to produce the free radicals needed to start the process.

After dental preparation, a thin primer or bonding agent is used. Modern photo-polymerized composites are applied and cured in relatively thin layers determined by their opacity. After being dried several times, the final surface will be shaped and polished.

Cement glass ionomer

A glass ionomer (GIC) cement is one of the first class materials commonly used in dentistry as a filler and luting cement. These materials are based on the reaction of silicate glass powders and polialicenoic acids. These dental ingredients were introduced in 1972 to be used as a restorative material for anterior teeth (especially for eroded areas, Class III and V cavities).

When they chemically bind to hard tooth tissue and release fluoride for a relatively long period of time, modern GIC applications have evolved. The desirable properties of glass ionomer cement make them a useful ingredient in the recovery of carious lesions in low stress areas such as smooth surfaces and small anterior proximal cavities in deciduous teeth. Results from clinical studies also support the use of conventional glass ionomer restorations in primary molar. They do not need to be placed layer by layer, as in composite patches.

Porcelain (ceramic)

Full-porcelain dental materials include dental porcelain (porcelain which means high-strength ceramics), other ceramics, sintered glass materials, and ceramic glass as indirect fillings and metal-free crowns or "jackets". crown. "They are also used as in-lays, on-lays, and aesthetics veneers.The veneer is a very thin porcelain shell that can replace or cover a portion of the tooth enamel.Complete porcelain restoration is highly desirable because of their color and translucency imitating natural tooth enamels.

Another type is known as porcelain-fused-to-metal, which is used to give strength to the crown or bridge. This restoration is very strong, durable and wear-resistant, because the combination of porcelain and metal creates a stronger restoration than the porcelain used alone.

One advantage of computerized dentistry (CAD/CAM technology) involves the use of processed ceramics sold in partially sinterable and processable conditions which are fired again after machining forms hard ceramics. Some of the materials used are glass-bound porcelain (Viablock), lithium disilicate glass-ceramic (ceramic crystallizing from glass with special heat treatment), and stable phase zirconia (zirconium dioxide, ZrO 2 ). Previous attempts to utilize high-performance ceramics such as zirconium-oxide were thwarted by the fact that these materials could not be processed using the traditional methods used in dentistry. Due to its high strength and much higher fracture toughness, sintered zirconiums can be used on crowns and posterior bridges, implanted supports, and root dowel pins. Lithium disilicate (used in the latest Economical Restoration of Ceramic Spout products CEREC) also has the fracture resistance required for use on molar. Some all-ceramic restorations, such as porcelain-fused-to-alumina set the standard for high aesthetics in dentistry because they are strong and their color and translucency mimics the natural tooth enamel. Not as aesthetic as porcelain-fused-to-ceramic, many dentists will not use "artificial" monolithic zirconia and lithium disilicate crowns on the front teeth (front).

Cast metal and porcelain-on-metal today are standard materials for crowns and bridges. The demand for full ceramic solutions, however, continues to grow.


  • Composites and Amalgam are used primarily for direct restoration. Composites can be made of colors that match the teeth, and the surface can be polished after the charging procedure is complete.
  • Patches of amalgam expand as you get older, chances of tooth cracking and requiring repair and replacement of filling. But the possibility of leakage charging less.
  • The composite heap shrinks with age and can pull away from the teeth that allow leakage. If leaks are not addressed early, repeated decay may occur.
  • A 2003 study showed that patches have a limited lifespan: an average of 12.8 years for amalgam and 7.8 years for composite resins. The contents failed due to changes in filling, teeth or bonding between the two. The formation of secondary cavities may also affect the original structural integrity that fills. Patches recommended for small to medium restoration.
  • Inlay and onlay are more costly indirect restoration alternatives for direct charging. They should be more durable, but long-term studies do not necessarily detect lower levels of ceramic or inferent composite failure compared to composite direct charging.
  • Porcelain, cobalt-chrome, and gold are used for indirect restorations such as crowns and partial cover crowns (onlays). Traditional porcelains are fragile and not always recommended for molar restorations. Some hard porcelain causes excessive wear on the opposing teeth.


The US National Dental Research Institute and international organizations and commercial suppliers conduct research on new materials. In 2010, the researchers reported that they were able to stimulate the mineralization of fluorapatite coatings such as enamel in vivo. Fillers compatible with pulp tissue have been developed; it could be used where previous root or extraction channels were needed, according to a 2016 report.

Single Porcelain Veneer - Dental Case of the Month

Recovery using dental implants

Dental implants are anchors placed in bone, usually made of titanium or titanium alloy. They can support dental restorations that replace missing teeth. Some restorative applications include supporting crowns, bridges, or dental prostheses.

How-To: Anterior Dental Restoration with Aura from SDI - YouTube


Nerve irritation

When a deep cavity has been filled, it is likely that the nerve may have been irritated. This either produces short-term sensitivity to cold and heat substances, and pain when biting a particular tooth. It can settle on its own. If not, then alternative treatments such as Root Canal Treatment can be considered to overcome the pain while keeping the teeth.

Weakening of tooth structure

In situations where the number of relatively large tooth structures has been lost or replaced with fillers, the overall strength of the tooth may be affected. This significantly increases the risk of future cracking of teeth when excess strength is placed on the teeth, such as trauma or tooth grinding at night, leading to tooth syndrome cracking.

Restoration of Fractured Teeth Gallery - Dr. Jack M. Hosner, D.D.S. -

See also

Restoration of Fractured Teeth Gallery - Dr. Jack M. Hosner, D.D.S. -


Before and After Examples of Dental Treatment for Replacement and ...

External links

  • How Dental Recovery Materials Compare
  • Gold Foil In Dentistry

Source of the article : Wikipedia
